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David Attenborough's Conquest of the Skies 3D

David Attenborough's Conquest of the Skies 3D [Blu-ray]
  • Serie:Könige der Lüfte
  • Medium:Blu-ray
  • Mitwirkende:David Attenborough
  • Vertrieb:Go Entertain
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Vereinigte Königreich Edition, Blu-Ray/Region A/B/C DVD: TON: Englisch ( Dolby Digital 2.0 ), WIDESCREEN, BONUSMATERIAL: 3-D, Hinter den Szenen, Szene Zugang, Wechselwirkendes Menü, SYNOPSIS: David Attenborough embarks on an extraordinary journey to unravel one of nature's most gripping stories the evolution of flying animals. The power of flight is one of the greatest miracles of nature. Over one hundred billion creatures soar through the air today - from nectar-drinking hummingbirds, to armoured airborne beetles; from bats hunting in the black of night, to bizarre winged lizards. In Conquest of the Skies, David Attenborough travels back in time to unravel the astonishing 300-million-year story of how these animals first appeared, and then evolved into the huge variety of aeronauts that fill our skies today. Only now, using the latest scientific analysis, can he reveal the hidden mechanics behind their gravity-defying skills. High speed filming and stunning CGI bring the viewer closer than ever to this astounding aerial world. From the steaming rainforests of Borneo to the frozen fossil beds of China, the arid canyons of Spain to the cloud forests of Ecuador, this series spans the globe to explore the thrilling and surprising story of how the flying animals came to conquer the skies. ...Conquest of the Skies 3D ( ) (3D)

David Attenborough embarks on an extraordinary journey to unravel one of nature s most gripping stories the evolution of flying animals. The power of flight is one of the greatest miracles of nature. Over one hundred billion creatures soar through the air today - from nectar-drinking hummingbirds, to armoured airborne beetles; from bats hunting in the black of night, to bizarre winged lizards.
In Conquest of the Skies, David Attenborough travels back in time to unravel the astonishing 300-million-year story of how these animals first appeared, and then evolved into the huge variety of aeronauts that fill our skies today. Only now, using the latest scientific analysis, can he reveal the hidden mechanics behind their gravity-defying skills.
Ground-breaking 3D cameras, high speed filming and stunning CGI bring the viewer closer than ever to this astounding aerial world. From the steaming rainforests of Borneo to the frozen fossil beds of China, the arid canyons of Spain to the cloud forests of Ecuador, this series spans the globe to explore the thrilling and surprising story of how the flying animals came to conquer the skies.
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