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All You Need Is Love - Vol. 6: Tin Pan Alley

All You Need Is Love - Vol. 6 - Tin Pan Alley
  • Serie:All You Need Is Love
  • Mitwirkende:keine Angaben
  • Regie:Tony Palmer
  • Vertrieb:Rough Trade Distribution GmbH
  • VÖ-Datum:30.04.2009
  • Sprache:Deutsch
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Tin Pan Alley existed to make monkey. It organized and rationalized an embryonic music industry for the mutual benefit of these who did the organizing. Tin Pan Alley brought to popular music a collective sense of purpose. Songs were no longer the creative prerogative of a few gifted composers. They could be written to order, in ten minutes, for all combinations of instruments and voices. Its organization included pluggers, copyists, demonstrators and arrangers. Song were written by committee, by number, and by rote. They were "product", and the greater the "product" the greater the profit.
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