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Brum: Crazy Chair Chase

Brum: Crazy Chair Chase
  • Serie:Brum
  • Vertrieb:2entertain
  • VÖ-Datum:06.10.2003
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Brum And The Crazy Chair Chase
The new remote control chair, which Gordon has ordered for his hairdressing salon, turns out to have a mind of it's own. Brum follows it to the funfair where it get stuck on the roller coaster ride. With a train full of children on it's way, Brum has only seconds to prevent a hair-raising disaster.

Brum And The Bank Robbers
Two big time baddies steal the safe containing Posh lady's jewellery from the bank, but the heavy safe runs away on its trolley. Brum takes off in hot pursuit of the loot, but can he safely return the safe and lock up the baddies?

Brum And The Mischievous Mouse
A Little girl's mouse escapes when they leave the pet shop and Brum helps chase after it through the town and into the disco, Will Brum mange to keep it safe from all those dancing feet or will it be hard cheese for the mouse?

Brum And The Cream Balloon
An enormous cream-filled balloon is bouncing dangerously all over the big town. Can superhero Brum steer it away from all the hazards, or will mayhem be whipped up when it finally explodes?

Brum And The Paint Pandemonium
Two artful Big Town baddies have designs on stealing the street artist's money while he paints a portrait and then they try to hide out in the Art Gallery. Can Brum save the day-and the money?
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