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The Six Million Dollar Man: Series 3

The Six Million Dollar Man - Series 3 (7 DVDs)
  • Serie:Der 6-Millionen-Dollar-Mann
  • Medium:7 DVDs
  • Mitwirkende:Lee Majors, Richard Anderson, Lindsay Wagner, André the Giant, Stephanie Powers, Louis Gossett Jr., Chuck Connors, Farrah Fawcett, Erik Estrada, Sonny Bono, Pernell Roberts
  • Vertrieb:Fabulous Films Limited
  • VÖ-Datum:01.10.2012
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

When Colonel Steve Austin (Lee Majors) barely survives the devastating crash of an experimental NASA aircraft, his shattered body is rebuilt using bionics a secret new medical technology developed for the U.S. government by Dr. Rudy Wells. Outfitted with atomic-powered bionic legs, an arm, and an eye, Austin is now ''better, stronger, faster'' than he was before. Austin's enhanced abilities are put to the test as he is sent on dangerous and covert missions for the government's OSI division, under the supervision of director Oscar Goldman (Richard Anderson).
SEASON 3 of The Six Million Dollar Man kicks off with the returning-from-the-dead bionic woman Jaime Sommers (Lindsay Wagner). A looted Liberty Bell, a wayward wolf-boy, murderous moonshiners, a reactivated seven million dollar man, and a showdown with the legendary Bigfoot (André the Giant) and his alien handlers are other highlights of this thrill-packed season. Famous faces making guest-appearances include Stefanie Powers, Louis Gossett Jr., Chuck Connors, Farrah Fawcett, Erik Estrada, Sonny Bono, and Pernell Roberts. The excitement never lets up in this 21-episode collection that also includes the two-part premiere of The Bionic Woman series and over four hours of bonus features!
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