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The Simpsons: Risky Business

The Simpsons - Risky Business
  • Serie:Die Simpsons
  • Vertrieb:Twentieth Century Fox
  • VÖ-Datum:07.04.2003
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Marge gets a real estate licence and, working under Lionel Hutz (Phil Harman), tries to sell homes. When he says she must succeed in the first week or be fired, Marge sells a house to the Flanders family, but neglects to tell them several former owners were murdered inside. When the house is accidentally destroyed, a relieved Marge returns the money - and is fired.

Smithers decides to take a vacation and names Homer as his replacement, in order that he will look better by comparison. Homer hates the job, and ultimately punches Mr. Burns in the face. Burns learns to become independent and fires Smithers upon his return. Smithers schemes with Homer to get his job back, ultimately succeeding when Burns falls out of a window and becomes entirely dependent.

When NASA attempts to put an ordinary man in space, Homer is chosen. While in orbit with Buzz Aldrin, Homer unleashes a swarm of ants in the capsule. With the help of James Taylor, Homer saves the crew - only to see all the glory go to an inanimate carbon rod.

The Simpson house begins to tilt to an extreme angle, and Homer's attempts to fix it himself are futile. To raise extra money, Marge gets a job at the nuclear plant - where Mr. Burns develops a crush on her. He even kidnaps Tom Jones in a futile attempt to woo her. Meanwhile Bart becomes the literal "boy who cried wolf".
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