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The Simpsons: Around The World In 80 D'Oh's

The Simpsons - Around The World In 80 D'Oh's
  • Serie:Die Simpsons
  • Vertrieb:Twentieth Century Fox
  • VÖ-Datum:23.05.2005
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
The Simpsons Shatter The Globe!

30 Minutes Over Tokyo
With the money they save after attending a cost-cutting seminar, the Simpsons are able to afford a trip to Japan. They soon spend all of their money and become contestants on a Japanese game show in order to return to Springfield.

Simpsons Safari
A bagboy strike at Springfield's supermarkets leads the Simpsons to an old box of animal crackers, which wins them a free trip to Africa, where they encounter a chimpanzee sanctuary that is not what it appears.

Blame It On Lisa
The Simpsons receive a phone bill which includes an expensive call to Brazil. It turns out that Lisa was trying to locate an orphan boy to whom she had sent money. The Simpsons journey to Brazil to find him, but Homer winds up kidnapped instead.

The Regina Monologues
The Simpsons journey to London, where Grampa attempts to reconnect with a long-lost flame while Bart and Lisa go nuts after sampling British chocolate. After Homer has a fender-bender with a golden coach belonging to the Queen, the family must again plead their way out of a foreign land.
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