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Fast N' Loud: Season 1

Fast N' Loud - Season 1
  • Serie:Fast N' Loud
  • Mitwirkende:Richard Rawlings, Aaron Kaufman
  • Vertrieb:Discovery Channel
  • VÖ-Datum:20.05.2013
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
If you like Wheeler Dealers then Fast N' Loud will be right up your street.

Motor mastermind Richard Rawlings and mechanical prodigy Aaron Kaufmann of the Gas Monkey Garage in Dallas, Texas travel the back roads, searching barns, swap meets and open fields of the USA for derelict classic cars to overhaul, restore and turn into cash.

To some the retro relics from '57 Chevys to '73 Trans Ams look like rust buckets but to this crew they're automotive gold...ready and waiting to be gunned back into life. Fast N' Loud follows Rawlings and Kaufmann as they return these derelict rides to their former glory and get them back on the road but not without putting their own spin on them first.

Once Richard has found the right motor and wheels and deals for a good price, it's back to the Garage to set the design plan and begin the teardown. Then, the major work begins. It's always a race against the clock to get these cars finished: time is money at Gas Monkey Garage and the quicker they finish their cars, the quicker they can get to auction.

But there's always some fun time worked into their crazy schedules, and no matter how nuts their day gets, you can bet you'll see some donuts in the driveway or a test drive of a great car.
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