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Life After People: Series 1

Life After People - Series 1
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Welcome To Planet Earth, Population Zero.
HISTORY™ takes you on an amazing visual journey that uncovers what would happen if humans were suddenly to disappear. Visit
the ghostly villages surrounding Chernobyl, travel to remote islands off the coast of Maine to search for abandoned towns that
have vanished from view in only a few decades, then head beneath the streets of New York to see how subway tunnels may become watery canals.
This thought-provoking adventure combines movie-quality visual effects with insights from experts to demonstrate how the very
landscape of our planet will change in our absence.
• Shot on-location and around the globe, LIFE AFTER PEOPLE features stunning, state-of-the- art CGI graphics, movie-quality visual effects, and interviews with leading
experts to show the future of the Earth once humans vanish.
• Interest in "end of the world" scenarios will peak with the cinema release of 2012 and heighten again around the DVD release.
• O-Card packaging will help product to stand out on retailer’s shelves.
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** günstigster Preis im Amazon.de-Marketplace
Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr, Preise ggf. plus Porto & Versandkosten.
Preisstand: 28.05.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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