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The Brittas Empire - Series 2: Complete

The Brittas Empire - Series 2 - Complete
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Originally screened between 2 January and 20 February 1992, Series Two was produced and written by Mike Stephens and written by Richard Fegen and Andrew Norris. Opening with the staff of Whitbury Leisure Centre in a happy mood, reports begin to filter through that Brittas has been killed while on a management course in Bulgaria. But every cloud has a silver lining trade at the centre picks up, the staff work as a cohesive unit and even Carole (Harriet Thorpe) greets the customers with a smile. Every silver lining, however, has its cloud and, to everyone s surprise and dismay, Brittas returns from the dead. Within moments mayhem resumes, customers flee and Carole adds a new dimension to top down and cruising by modifying Brittas car with a JCB! Having survived this latest attempt on his life, Brittas returns home to comfort his wife Helen (Philippa Haywood) only to find she s decided to get re-married, and all within the space of a fortnight. Having survived a Bulgarian chicken hutch, the steel claws of a JCB and his own (very well attended) funeral, Brittas carries on regardless until, that is, he receives a lesson on life, the universe and the wonders of women from Laura (Julia St John)!! DVD Extras: Brittas Management Quiz, Good Morning Interview, Weblinks, Star Profile, Stills Gallery
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