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Inside The Actors Studio - Leading Men: DeNiro/Crowe/Pacino/Penn

Inside The Actors Studio - Leading Men - DeNiro/Crowe/Pacino/Penn
  • Serie:Inside the Actors Studio
  • Mitwirkende:Russell Crowe, Sean Penn, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino
  • Regie:Jeff Wurtz
  • Vertrieb:Ilc Media
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
It s common knowledge that prominent actors and directors approach interviews, especially on television, with some caution. Over twelve years, presenting more than 200 of the most illustrious stars of film, theatre, television and music, Inside the Actors Studio has earned the reputation of being a forum where guests can speak fearlessly, openly and honestly about the things that matter most to them: their craft and the crucial events of their lives and careers that shaped them as people and artists. The Leading Men set delves deep into the personalities of Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Sean Penn, and Russell Crowe in a way never seen before. Since 1994, host James Lipton, creator of the series and Dean Emeritus of the Actors Studio Drama School, has asked the informed, probing questions that evoke the sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking, always heartfelt answers for which the series has become famous. Designed from its inception as a class for the Actors Studio Masters Degree program, Inside the Actors Studio is seen in 80,000,000 homes and 125 countries around the world, and has received 12 Emmy® nominations in 12 years. Leading Man is a motion picture term of art connoting that this actor possesses the skill, presence, reputation and sheer magic that consistently brings millions of filmgoers into the theatre, expecting and receiving the best.
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