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Apocalypse: The Second World War

Apocalypse - The Second World War
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

As broadcast on Channel 4, Apocalypse is the groundbreaking documentary series that tells the brutal and moving history of World War 2 entirely through colourised archive footage.

Three years in the making and gathered from more than 60 national libraries and personal archives, Apocalypse tells in amazing, never-before-seen detail, the key events that shaped the conflict: from the Blitzkrieg  to the Allied bombing of Berlin and Stalingrad, through to the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima.

In six one-hour episodes, prepare to experience first-hand how nations were saved, whole armies lost and heroes made.
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** günstigster Preis im Amazon.de-Marketplace
Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr, Preise ggf. plus Porto & Versandkosten.
Preisstand: 19.05.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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