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(Air Crash Investigation / Mayday: Air Disaster) 
CDN, 2003–

  • Platz 368558 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 128554.89von 28 Stimmeneigene: –

Luftrennen in den Tod

(Death Race)
Bei einer Luftfahrtschau in Reno, Nevada, werden 30.000 Zuschauer Zeugen einer Katastrophe: Pilot Jimmy Leeward ist entschlossen, mit seinem modifizierten Jagdflugzeug aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg einen neuen Geschwindigkeitsrekord aufzustellen - doch es kommt anders als geplant. Auf halber Rennstrecke verliert der Flugveteran die Kontrolle über die P-51 Mustang. Die Maschine schlägt auf und schießt auf die Sitzreihen des Publikums zu. Bei den anschließenden Untersuchungen dieses schrecklichen Unglücks versuchen sich die Ermittler ein umfassendes Bild zu machen.
(National Geographic Channel)
Folge "Luftrennen in den Tod" anschauen
    kompakte Ansicht
    • Di 02.07., 00:45 Uhr
    • Mi 26.06., 13:50 Uhr
    • Di 25.06., 19:25 Uhr
    • Do 27.06., 18:30 Uhr
    • Mi 26.06., 22:10 Uhr
    • Deutsch1080pab € 8,99*
    • National Geographic Deutschland
  • Brantford, Ontario, Canada - The crash at the 2011 Reno Air Race leaves has taken the lives on 10 people on the ground. Ron Morcom and his family were in the stands when a modified P-51 Mustang slammed to the ground, his brother dead is among the victims of the disaster.
    Brantford, Ontario, Canada - The crash at the 2011 Reno Air Race leaves has taken the lives on 10 people on the ground. Ron Morcom and his family were in the stands when a modified P-51 Mustang slammed to the ground, his brother dead is among the victims of the disaster.
    Bild: © Cineflix 2018 / Panagiotis Pantazidis
  • Brantford, Ontario, Canada - Ron Morcom consoles his father in he moments after a fatal accident at the Reno Air Race in 2011. Ron's brother Greg is among the victims of the crash that saw a modified P-51 Mustang slam to the ground near the grandstand, killing 10 people on the ground and famed pilot Jimmy Leeward. (Cineflix 2018/Panagiotis Pantazidis)
    Brantford, Ontario, Canada - Ron Morcom consoles his father in he moments after a fatal accident at the Reno Air Race in 2011. Ron's brother Greg is among the victims of the crash that saw a modified P-51 Mustang slam to the ground near the grandstand, killing 10 people on the ground and famed pilot Jimmy Leeward. (Cineflix 2018/Panagiotis Pantazidis)
    Bild: © Cineflix 2018 / Panagiotis Pantazidis
  • Brantford, Ontario, Canada - Paramedics tend to the Morcom family. They were in the stands when a modified P-51 Mustang slammed to the ground during the 2011 Reno Air Race crash. The plane hit the ground near the sands, killing 10 people on the ground and pilot Jimmy Leeward.
    Brantford, Ontario, Canada - Paramedics tend to the Morcom family. They were in the stands when a modified P-51 Mustang slammed to the ground during the 2011 Reno Air Race crash. The plane hit the ground near the sands, killing 10 people on the ground and pilot Jimmy Leeward.
    Bild: © Cineflix 2018 / Panagiotis Pantazidis
Cast & Crew
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Mi, 06.02.2019, National Geographic
TV-Premiere: Mo, 07.01.2019, National Geographic UK (GB)
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