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(Air Crash Investigation / Mayday: Air Disaster) 
CDN, 2003–

  • Platz 378556 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 128554.89von 28 Stimmeneigene: –

Fataler Umweg

(Deadly Detour)
Alternativtitel: Im toten Winkel (N24)
Frankreich im Sommer 1998: Der Pilot des Fluges Proteus Airlines 706 will den 14 Passagieren an Bord seiner Maschine etwas Besonderes bieten: Einen Blick auf die "SS Norway", das seinerzeit längste Fahrgastschiff der Welt. Um den Ozeanriesen zu umfliegen, sinkt die Beechcraft 1900D auf eine Höhe von nur 2000 Metern. Doch beim außerplanmäßigen Manöver kollidiert der Flieger in der Luft mit einem Kleinflugzeug. Das Protokoll einer tragischen Katastrophe.
Folge "Fataler Umweg" anschauen
  • Keine geplanten Ausstrahlungen.
  • RE-ENACTMENT - Bouillard (played by Stuart Clow) inspects the red painted pices of the crash. Investigators (played by background preformers) take notes in the background. (photo credit:  Cineflix/Ian Watson)
    RE-ENACTMENT - Bouillard (played by Stuart Clow) inspects the red painted pices of the crash. Investigators (played by background preformers) take notes in the background. (photo credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson)
    Bild: © Cineflix / Ian Watson
  • RE-ENACTMENT - Bouillard (played by Stuart Clow) stops at a particular part of the pieced together fuselage, he holds his flashlight at one certain point while another investigator (played by a background preformer) takes notes.
    RE-ENACTMENT - Bouillard (played by Stuart Clow) stops at a particular part of the pieced together fuselage, he holds his flashlight at one certain point while another investigator (played by a background preformer) takes notes.
    Bild: © Cineflix / Ian Watson
  • RE-ENACTMENT - Bouillard (played by Stuart Clow) holds up a properllor blade as another investigator (played by a background preformer) takes notes.
    RE-ENACTMENT - Bouillard (played by Stuart Clow) holds up a properllor blade as another investigator (played by a background preformer) takes notes.
    Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Cineflix / Ian Watson)
Cast & Crew
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Mi, 28.09.2016, National Geographic Channel
Deutsche Free-TV-Premiere: Mi, 16.08.2017, N24
TV-Premiere: Di, 05.07.2016, National Geographic Channel Australia (AUS)
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