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Ice Pilots NWT: Series 2

Ice Pilots NWT - Series 2
  • Serie:Ice Pilots
  • Mitwirkende:Mikey McBryan, Joe McBryan, Michael Daingerfield, Kelly Jurasevic, Tara Newbigging, Bruce Dickinson, Chris Staples
  • Regie:Larry Raskin, Todd Serotiuk
  • Vertrieb:Delta Home Entertainment
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Vereinigte Königreich Edition, PAL/Region 0 DVD: TON: Englisch ( Dolby Digital 2.0 ), BONUSMATERIAL: Kasten-Satz, Multi-DVD Satz, Szene Zugang, Wechselwirkendes Menü, SYNOPSIS: Die Dokumentarserie folgt der Arbeit der "Buffalo Airlines", einer Fluggesellschaft im Norden Kanadas, die in der arktischen Region mit ihrer Flotte alter Flugzeuge aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs reguläre Passagier- und Frachtflüge übernehmen. ...Ice Pilots NWT (Complete Series 2) - 4-DVD Box Set ( )

Ice Pilots NWT is a real-life docu-series that follows the daily challenges at an extraordinary airline in the Canadian North. Crews at Yellowknife-based Buffalo Airways fly WWII-era propeller planes to remote Arctic outposts. Rookie pilots learn the hard way as they face bone-chilling temperatures, blizzards and mechanical breakdowns. It's an impossible job in a merciless place.

New recruits come to slog it out on the ramp in -30 C weather to earn a chance to fly these antique planes that most airlines scrapped long ago: classics like the Douglas DC-3 and DC-4 and the Curtiss C-46 Commando the very planes that once ferried troops and supplies in WWII. Few newbies make it. As they compete to rise up the ranks, they cope with ice storms, forest fires, treacherous landings and legendary owner 'Buffalo' Joe McBryan's famous temper.

Buffalo Airways is literally a lifeline to the North. As Joe's son Mikey McBryan puts it: 'You can t separate the North from flying. It's the same thing.' Without Buffalo Airways, food and supplies wouldn't reach the many northern communities cut off from the rest of the world during the long, harsh winter. Ice Pilots NWT gives viewers a rare and exciting look at the most exciting flying 'north of 60'.

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