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Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds

Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds [Blu-ray]
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Richard Hammond journeys into the parallel universe that lies beyond the limits of the naked eye, in Richard Hammond's Invisible World, part of BBC One's Science & Nature programming. Using state-of-the-art imaging technologies, Richard discovers that it's as much the things we cannot see as those we can that shape our lives. From spectacular natural phenomena such as vast, superfast lightning clusters, to one of the wonders of the living world - the hidden aerodynamics of bats - and our own technological achievements such as the awe-inspiring aerial work conducted on high-voltage power lines, Richard explores the hidden secrets of the invisible world around us.
Episode 1: Explores the world of 'invisible light' that surrounds us at all times.
Episode 2: Delve into the invisible world too quick for the human eye, with advances in imaging technology that can enhance human visual perception as never before.
Episode 3: Explore the invisible world unfolding on too small a scale, or at too remote a distance, to be seen by the naked eye; an entirely microscopic realm - and a miniature world.
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** günstigster Preis im Amazon.de-Marketplace
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Preisstand: 08.09.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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