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Body Bizarre - Unglaubliche Schicksale

(Body Bizarre) 
GB, 2013–

Body Bizarre - Unglaubliche Schicksale
Discovery Communications, LLC./Screenshot
  • 67 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 24242noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Folge 5

(Uganda's Most Extraordinary Head)
Riesige Tumore, die das Gesicht eines Inders seit Jahrzehnten entstellen, eine junge Dominikanerin, die Blut aus allen Poren schwitzt oder eine 31-jährige Brasilianerin, die im Körper eines Säuglings gefangen ist. "Body Bizarre" reist rund um den Globus, um die Betroffenen persönlich zu treffen und die Geschichten hinter den oft bizarren, menschlichen Eigenheiten aufzudecken. So wie das Schlangenmädchen, das immun gegen das Gift von Kobras ist.
Folge "Folge 5" anschauen
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  • ***EXCLUSIVE***

WAIKIKI, HI - JANUARY 24: Alanna Wong poses for a photograph on January 24, 2012 in Waikiki, Hawaii.

HONOLULU, HAWAII: Student Alanna Wong is 22 but suffers from a super-rare neurological condition that turns her into a toddler.   She has 'lost' six-years of her life to Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) that puts her into a deep sleep for up to 22 hours a day.The incurable condition sees her crashing into 'episodes' that leave her in a baby-like state and wandering around like a zombie. And because of KLS - which she got age 10 - she loses her ability to control her behaviour and speaks in a babbling baby voice. She even forgets how to read and - feeling like she is in a dream - is confused by everything around her. Alanna is trying to raise awareness of KLS through speaking at conferences, a charity she runs online and through her new book due out later this year.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft USA

UK Office, London.
T +44 845 370 2233
W www.barcroftmedia.c
    ***EXCLUSIVE*** WAIKIKI, HI - JANUARY 24: Alanna Wong poses for a photograph on January 24, 2012 in Waikiki, Hawaii. HONOLULU, HAWAII: Student Alanna Wong is 22 but suffers from a super-rare neurological condition that turns her into a toddler. She has 'lost' six-years of her life to Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) that puts her into a deep sleep for up to 22 hours a day.The incurable condition sees her crashing into 'episodes' that leave her in a baby-like state and wandering around like a zombie. And because of KLS - which she got age 10 - she loses her ability to control her behaviour and speaks in a babbling baby voice. She even forgets how to read and - feeling like she is in a dream - is confused by everything around her. Alanna is trying to raise awareness of KLS through speaking at conferences, a charity she runs online and through her new book due out later this year. PHOTOGRAPH BY Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.c
    Bild: © Discovery Networks
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    Picture Shows: Delfina Cedeno from the Dominican Republic suffers from mystery bleeding
    Bild: © Discovery Networks
  • Picture Shows: Rohim Revelation from Indonesia has the skin condition Lamellar Ichthyosis
    Picture Shows: Rohim Revelation from Indonesia has the skin condition Lamellar Ichthyosis
    Bild: © Discovery Networks
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Di, 21.02.2017, TLC
TV-Premiere: Do, 27.10.2016, TLC UK (GB)