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Body Bizarre - Unglaubliche Schicksale

(Body Bizarre) 
GB, 2013–

Body Bizarre - Unglaubliche Schicksale
Discovery Communications, LLC./Screenshot
  • 67 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 24242noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Folge 6

(Born with Four Legs)
Riesige Tumore, die das Gesicht eines Inders seit Jahrzehnten entstellen, eine junge Dominikanerin, die Blut aus allen Poren schwitzt oder eine 31-jährige Brasilianerin, die im Körper eines Säuglings gefangen ist. "Body Bizarre" reist rund um den Globus, um die Betroffenen persönlich zu treffen und die Geschichten hinter den oft bizarren, menschlichen Eigenheiten aufzudecken. So wie das Schlangenmädchen, das immun gegen das Gift von Kobras ist.
Folge "Folge 6" anschauen
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  • Arun Kumar smiling.
    Arun Kumar smiling.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • ***EXCLUSIVE***

NAGPUR, INDIA -DECEMBER 08: Jyoti Amge, 18, poses for a picture with a watermelon on December 08, 2011 in  Nagpur, India.

A teenager the size of a large watermelon became the world?s smallest woman after turning 18 today (FRIDAY).  Tiny two feet tall Jyoti Amge, of Nagpur, India, celebrated the occasion with a birthday cake almost as big as her.  Jyoti, who was already widely regarded as the world?s smallest girl, is anxiously waiting for confirmation she has grabbed the title from 2ft 3in American record holder Bridgette Jordan.

PHOTOGRAPH BY Richard Grange / Barcroft India

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    ***EXCLUSIVE*** NAGPUR, INDIA -DECEMBER 08: Jyoti Amge, 18, poses for a picture with a watermelon on December 08, 2011 in Nagpur, India. A teenager the size of a large watermelon became the world?s smallest woman after turning 18 today (FRIDAY). Tiny two feet tall Jyoti Amge, of Nagpur, India, celebrated the occasion with a birthday cake almost as big as her. Jyoti, who was already widely regarded as the world?s smallest girl, is anxiously waiting for confirmation she has grabbed the title from 2ft 3in American record holder Bridgette Jordan. PHOTOGRAPH BY Richard Grange / Barcroft India UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4101 1726 W www.barcroftindia.com
    Bild: © Discovery Networks
  • Alejandra Romero with her mother Beatriz Ayala and father Alejandro Romero in garden.
    Alejandra Romero with her mother Beatriz Ayala and father Alejandro Romero in garden.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Di, 28.02.2017, TLC
TV-Premiere: Do, 03.11.2016, TLC UK (GB)