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(Origins: The Journey of Humankind) 
USA, 2017

  • 67 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 32416noch keine Wertungeigene: –


(Into the Unknown)
Alternativtitel: Aufbruch ins Ungewisse,Aufbruch
Wagemutige Entdecker haben einen großen Teil dazu beigetragen, dass wir die Welt heute besser verstehen - indem sie dorthin aufbrachen, wo niemand zuvor war: Sie kletterten auf die höchsten Berge, durchkreuzten die unwirtlichsten Wüsten, wagten sich bis ins Ewige Eis und reisten schließlich sogar bis ins All. Aber was bewegt Menschen dazu, ihr Leben aufs Spiel zu setzen, um etwas Neues zu erforschen, das vielleicht auch Gefahren birgt? "Origins" zeichnet die Geschichte der Entdeckungen nach und verdeutlicht, warum gerade das Unbekannte uns bis heute ungeheuer reizt.
Folge "Entdeckungen" anschauen
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  • Deutsch1080pab € 8,99*
  • Interview with Chairman and pilot of Solar Impulse Bertrand Piccard.
    Interview with Chairman and pilot of Solar Impulse Bertrand Piccard.
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • There was a new hypothesis by Nicolaus Copernicus... that said, no, the Earth is not the center of the universe... the planets including the Earth actually revolve around the sun. Unfortunately, there was no evidence at the time to support this hypothesis.  With a few improvements, Galileo next turned his telescope to Jupiter… and what he found was nothing short of heretical.
    There was a new hypothesis by Nicolaus Copernicus... that said, no, the Earth is not the center of the universe... the planets including the Earth actually revolve around the sun. Unfortunately, there was no evidence at the time to support this hypothesis. With a few improvements, Galileo next turned his telescope to Jupiter… and what he found was nothing short of heretical.
    Bild: © Joe Alblas / National Geographic
  • There was a new hypothesis by Nicolaus Copernicus... that said, no, the Earth is not the center of the universe... the planets including the Earth actually revolve around the sun. Unfortunately, there was no evidence at the time to support this hypothesis.  With a few improvements, Galileo next turned his telescope to Jupiter… and what he found was nothing short of heretical.  (photo credit:  National Geographic)
    There was a new hypothesis by Nicolaus Copernicus... that said, no, the Earth is not the center of the universe... the planets including the Earth actually revolve around the sun. Unfortunately, there was no evidence at the time to support this hypothesis. With a few improvements, Galileo next turned his telescope to Jupiter… and what he found was nothing short of heretical. (photo credit: National Geographic)
    Bild: © National Geographic
Deutsche TV-Premiere: So, 14.05.2017, National Geographic
Deutsche Free-TV-Premiere: Mo, 04.06.2018, ZDFinfo
TV-Premiere: Mo, 24.04.2017, National Geographic U.S. (USA)