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Snakes in the City

GB, 2014–

Snakes in the City
Nat Geo Wild
  • 57 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 29311noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Die Hochzeits-Crasher

(The Wedding Crasher)
Nicht jeder weiß, dass alle oberhalb der Erde lebenden Schlangen sich auch pudelwohl im Wasser fühlen. Simon Keys und seine Freundin Siouxsie Gillett haben hingegen regelmäßig mit schwimmenden Exemplaren der gefährlichen Tierart zu tun. Erneut eilen sie im südafrikanischen Durban einem Hilferuf entgegen, bei dem sie die größte Kobra Afrikas aus einem Swimmingpool entfernen müssen. Nach einer heroischen Stippvisite auf einer Hochzeit kümmert sich das Duo zu guter Letzt noch um eine gewaltige Schwarze Mamba, die eine Wohngegend terrorisiert.
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  • Durban, South Africa - Close up shot of Simon Keys hands, demonstrating one of the most dangerous aspects of a snake capture: bagging the snake. The method Simon uses to 'bag' a snake, involves him putting his right hand into the bag and carefully swapping his grip on the snake's head, in this case, the highly venomous black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis), then flipping the bag over the snake, and finally securing the open end with tape.
    Durban, South Africa - Close up shot of Simon Keys hands, demonstrating one of the most dangerous aspects of a snake capture: bagging the snake. The method Simon uses to 'bag' a snake, involves him putting his right hand into the bag and carefully swapping his grip on the snake's head, in this case, the highly venomous black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis), then flipping the bag over the snake, and finally securing the open end with tape.
    Bild: © Earth Touch LTD / Daniel Philogene
  • Durban, South Africa - Simon Keys and Siouxsie Gillett, with Siouxsie holding a juvenile African rock python (Python sebae).
    Durban, South Africa - Simon Keys and Siouxsie Gillett, with Siouxsie holding a juvenile African rock python (Python sebae).
    Bild: © Earth Touch LTD / Daniel Philogene
  • Durban, South Africa - Simon Keys holding a black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) behind the head, preparing to place it in the bag in his right hand to transport it safely away from the capture site to its natural habitat.
    Durban, South Africa - Simon Keys holding a black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) behind the head, preparing to place it in the bag in his right hand to transport it safely away from the capture site to its natural habitat.
    Bild: © Earth Touch LTD / Daniel Philogene
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Fr, 29.09.2017, Nat Geo Wild
TV-Premiere: So, 30.07.2017, Nat Geo Wild U.S. (USA)