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Schwarzmarkt im Visier

(Underworld, Inc.) 
GB, 2014–

Schwarzmarkt im Visier
National Geographic Channel/Screenshot
  • 22 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 27569noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Fake vs. Markenware

Alternativtitel: Fälscher-Banden
Es gibt kein Produkt, das nicht gefälscht werden kann: Von Uhren über Taschen bis hin zu Elektronik gibt der Markt alles her. Wie original die Fälschungen zuweilen sind, ist verblüffend. Doch welchen wirtschaftlichen Schaden richten die Fälschungen jedes Jahr an? Und woher kommen die meisten Plagiate auf den westlichen Markt? Die n-tv Dokumentation blickt hinter die Kulissen der Fälscher und Händler und erklärt das gigantische Netzwerk.
Folge "Fake vs. Markenware" anschauen
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  • Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (National Geographic Channels)
  • NEW YORK, N.Y.- This shipment includes highend counterfeit watches. These watches will either be sold on the streets as fake watches or sold on ebay as the real thing. If all of these watches were real, combined they could be worth up to $1 million.
    NEW YORK, N.Y.- This shipment includes highend counterfeit watches. These watches will either be sold on the streets as fake watches or sold on ebay as the real thing. If all of these watches were real, combined they could be worth up to $1 million.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels
  • NEW YORK, N.Y.- The watchman is a fake jeweler. His clientele range from the local street drug dealer to people he deals with personally in the music industry. The watchman perfected his sells techniques in the drug game, swapping rocks of crack for fake rocks.
    NEW YORK, N.Y.- The watchman is a fake jeweler. His clientele range from the local street drug dealer to people he deals with personally in the music industry. The watchman perfected his sells techniques in the drug game, swapping rocks of crack for fake rocks.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Do, 21.05.2015, National Geographic Channel
Deutsche Free-TV-Premiere: Mi, 08.06.2016, n-tv
TV-Premiere: Mi, 04.02.2015, National Geographic Channel U.S. (USA)