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Schwarzmarkt im Visier

(Underworld, Inc.) 
GB, 2014–

Schwarzmarkt im Visier
National Geographic Channel/Screenshot
  • 22 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 27569noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Gefälschte Medikamente

(Fake Pharma)
Der Handel von Heroin hat gigantische Ausmaße angenommen. Trotzdem wird er noch einmal getoppt vom Geschäft mit falschen Medikamenten. Es gibt sie im Internet wie in Apotheken und auf der Straße zu kaufen. Und die Nachfrage wächst, obwohl der Staat hart durchgreift. Die Polizei sucht täglich nach Dieben, Schmugglern und Schwarzmarkthändlern illegaler Arzneimittel. Dieses schmutzige Geschäft beschäftigt ganze Abteilungen an Ermittlern, denn die Konsequenzen von Fake-Medizin können tödlich sein.
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  • RAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN- Shehzad spends hours packing these pills. Although he is a free agent but he is on a basic wage, the man making the real money is the distributor he is packing for. Shehzad doesnt know if these pills will stay in Pakistan or be exported.
    RAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN- Shehzad spends hours packing these pills. Although he is a free agent but he is on a basic wage, the man making the real money is the distributor he is packing for. Shehzad doesnt know if these pills will stay in Pakistan or be exported.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels
  • Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • LOS ANGELES, CALIF.- The ability to order pharma online has opened up the US to a pharmaceutical invasion from all corners of the world. Officers at LAX International Mail Facility are looking for contraband. Christian Crawford spots something suspicious on the x ray machine. He finds a large bag full of antibiotics from Peru. (Photo Credit: National Geographic Channels/Rubia Dar)
    LOS ANGELES, CALIF.- The ability to order pharma online has opened up the US to a pharmaceutical invasion from all corners of the world. Officers at LAX International Mail Facility are looking for contraband. Christian Crawford spots something suspicious on the x ray machine. He finds a large bag full of antibiotics from Peru. (Photo Credit: National Geographic Channels/Rubia Dar)
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Do, 14.05.2015, National Geographic Channel
TV-Premiere: Mi, 11.02.2015, National Geographic Channel U.S. (USA)