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Snakes in the City

GB, 2014–

Snakes in the City
Nat Geo Wild
  • 57 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 29311noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Gefährliche Aufträge

(Hiss of Death)
Giftschlangen gehören im südafrikanischen Durban zum Alltag. Doch selbst Simon und seine Partnerin Siouxsie haben größten Respekt vor jeglicher Art, besonders vor der Speikobra. Das listige Tier spritzt sein Gift den Feinden aus meterweiter Entfernung entgegen. Gelangt es in die Augen, können Menschen daran erblinden - ganz abgesehen von dem höllischen Schmerz. In dieser Episode von "Snakes in the City" bekommt es das Schlangenjägerpaar mit einem angriffslustigen Exemplar zu tun. Für weitere Aufregung sorgen eine schwer fassbare Mamba und ein schauriges Rattennest.
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  • CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys holding a puff adder (Bitis arietans), carefully indicating the position of the fangs of this venomous snake. Simon Keys and Susan Gillett catch snakes in human habitations and translocate them to safer areas where they are less likely to come into contact with people.
    CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys holding a puff adder (Bitis arietans), carefully indicating the position of the fangs of this venomous snake. Simon Keys and Susan Gillett catch snakes in human habitations and translocate them to safer areas where they are less likely to come into contact with people.
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Susan Gillett holding a Savanna vine snake (Thelotornis capensis), while Simon examines it. (Photo credit: National Geographic Channels/Frederick Higgs)
    DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Susan Gillett holding a Savanna vine snake (Thelotornis capensis), while Simon examines it. (Photo credit: National Geographic Channels/Frederick Higgs)
    Bild: © Frederick Higgs / National Geographic Channels/Fre / National Geographic Channels
  • DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys handling a Mozambique spitting cobra (Naja mossambica), known for their deadly accurate and venomous spray. (Photo credit: National Geographic Channels/Frederick Higgs)
    DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys handling a Mozambique spitting cobra (Naja mossambica), known for their deadly accurate and venomous spray. (Photo credit: National Geographic Channels/Frederick Higgs)
    Bild: © Frederick Higgs / National Geographic Channels/Fre / National Geographic Channels
Deutsche TV-Premiere: So, 02.04.2017, Nat Geo Wild
TV-Premiere: Fr, 03.02.2017, Nat Geo Wild U.S. (USA)