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Snakes in the City

GB, 2014–

Snakes in the City
Nat Geo Wild
  • 57 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 29311noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Schlangen im Country Club

(Country Club Killer)
Was viele nicht wissen: Schlangen sind nicht nur gewandt am Boden. Während sie mit einer Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 15 km/h kriechen können, besitzen fast alle die Fähigkeit zu schwimmen. Das Schlangenjägerpaar Simon und Siouxsie macht in dieser Episode Bekanntschaft mit einer Schwarzen Mamba, die sich ein Bad im Swimmingpool gönnt. Und nachdem das mutige Duo in den Nahkampf mit Afrikas größter Kobra geriet, muss es sich obendrein mit einem verärgerten Nachbarn und einer Königsboa herumschlagen.
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  • DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys and Susan Gillett standing next to a house in Durban with homeowner, Simon holding a Brown house snake (Boaedon capensis), while examining it. Simon and Susan catch snakes in human habitations in and around Durban and translocate them to safer areas where they are less likely to come into contact with people. (Photo credit: National Geographic Channels/Frederick Higgs)
    DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys and Susan Gillett standing next to a house in Durban with homeowner, Simon holding a Brown house snake (Boaedon capensis), while examining it. Simon and Susan catch snakes in human habitations in and around Durban and translocate them to safer areas where they are less likely to come into contact with people. (Photo credit: National Geographic Channels/Frederick Higgs)
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels / Frederick Higgs
  • DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys and Susan Gillett examining an injured Black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) in an empty pool. Simon and Susan catch snakes in human habitations in and around Durban and translocate them to safer areas where they are less likely to come into contact with people.
    DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys and Susan Gillett examining an injured Black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) in an empty pool. Simon and Susan catch snakes in human habitations in and around Durban and translocate them to safer areas where they are less likely to come into contact with people.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels / Frederick Higgs
  • DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys and Susan Gillett standing next to a house in Durban, Simon holding a Brown house snake (Boaedon capensis), while examining it. Simon and Susan catch snakes in human habitations in and around Durban and translocate them to safer areas where they are less likely to come into contact with people. (Photo credit: National Geographic Channels/Frederick Higgs)
    DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA- Simon Keys and Susan Gillett standing next to a house in Durban, Simon holding a Brown house snake (Boaedon capensis), while examining it. Simon and Susan catch snakes in human habitations in and around Durban and translocate them to safer areas where they are less likely to come into contact with people. (Photo credit: National Geographic Channels/Frederick Higgs)
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels / Frederick Higgs
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Mo, 03.04.2017, Nat Geo Wild
TV-Premiere: Fr, 10.02.2017, Nat Geo Wild U.S. (USA)