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Mein Haus in Alaska

(Living Alaska) 
USA, 2013–2019

Mein Haus in Alaska
  • 42 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 27135noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Von Alabama ins Nirgendwo

(The Landrum Family Trades Their North Alabama Farm for the Adventure of Galena, AK)
Brian und Jaime ziehen mit ihren fünf Kindern im Schlepptau in das abgelegene Dorf Galena, Alaska, um ein Leben in Freiheit und voller Abenteuer zu führen. Mithilfe von Galenas Bürgermeister Jon Korta sucht das Paar nach seinem alaskischen Traumhaus.
Folge "Von Alabama ins Nirgendwo" anschauen
kompakte Ansicht
  • Prime Video Channels
    Deutsch1080pab € 5,99*
  • HGTV
    Deutsch720pab € 3,99
  • As seen on Living Alaska, Brian and Jaime Landrum, along with their five children, are moving from their farm in north Alabama to the remote village of Galena, AK to start a new life of adventure. This log cabin is one of the potential properties shown to them by their real estate agent and mayor of Galena, Jon Korta.
    As seen on Living Alaska, Brian and Jaime Landrum, along with their five children, are moving from their farm in north Alabama to the remote village of Galena, AK to start a new life of adventure. This log cabin is one of the potential properties shown to them by their real estate agent and mayor of Galena, Jon Korta.
    Bild: © 2014, HGTV/ Scripps Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Cast & Crew
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Fr, 24.01.2020, HGTV
TV-Premiere: Di, 06.10.2015, HGTV U.S. (USA)