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USA, 2016–2022

  • Platz 3142978 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 305484.14von 132 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Bull"

  • Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Fleisch und Blut
    Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Bild: © 2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / Jeffrey Neira / Jeffrey Neira
  • Das Herz in der Hand
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved/David M. Russell/David M. Russell
  • Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez, l.); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly, r.)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez, l.); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly, r.)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / David M. Russell / David M. Russell
  • Das Herz in der Hand
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved/David M. Russell/David M. Russell
  • Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / David M. Russell / David M. Russell
  • Pictured L-R:Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez) , Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly), Benny Colón (Freddy Rodríguez)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    Pictured L-R:Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez) , Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly), Benny Colón (Freddy Rodríguez)
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • (v.l.n.r.) Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly); Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    (v.l.n.r.) Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly); Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved/David M. Russell/David M. Russell
  • (v.l.n.r.) Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly); Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    (v.l.n.r.) Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly); Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / David M. Russell / David M. Russell
  • (v.l.n.r.) Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly); Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    (v.l.n.r.) Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly); Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Bild: © Sat.1
  • Das Herz in der Hand
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved/David M. Russell/David M. Russell
  • Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez, l.); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly, r.)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez, l.); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly, r.)
    Bild: © Sat.1
  • ÒQuid Pro QuoÓ Ð Bull is hired by a doctor, Samir Shadid (Babak Tafti), whoÕs accused by the Manhattan U.S. attorney of bribing his way into college, just as BullÕs ex-wife, Isabella (Yara Martinez), is due to give birth. As Bull waits for Izzy to go into labor, he contends with the trialÕs national news, due to its connection to a high-profile college admissions conspiracy case, on BULL, Monday, Feb. 10 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured L-R: Yara Martinez as Isabella ÒIzzyÓ Col--n and Michael Weatherly as Dr. Jason Bull Photo: David M. Russell/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights ReservedĂ’Quid Pro QuoĂ“ ß Bull is hired by a doctor, Samir Shadid (Babak Tafti), whoĂ•s accused by the Manhattan U.S. attorney of bribing his way into college, just as BullĂ•s ex-wife, Isabella (Yara Martinez), is due to give birth. As Bull waits for Izzy to go into labor, he contends with the trialĂ•s national news, due to its connection to a high-profile college admissions conspiracy case, on BULL, Monday, Feb. 10 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured L-R: Yara Martinez as Isabella Ă’IzzyĂ“ Col--n and Michael Weatherly as Dr. Jason Bull Photo: David M. Russell/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
    Das Herz in der Hand
    ÒQuid Pro QuoÓ Ð Bull is hired by a doctor, Samir Shadid (Babak Tafti), whoÕs accused by the Manhattan U.S. attorney of bribing his way into college, just as BullÕs ex-wife, Isabella (Yara Martinez), is due to give birth. As Bull waits for Izzy to go into labor, he contends with the trialÕs national news, due to its connection to a high-profile college admissions conspiracy case, on BULL, Monday, Feb. 10 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured L-R: Yara Martinez as Isabella ÒIzzyÓ Col--n and Michael Weatherly as Dr. Jason Bull Photo: David M. Russell/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights ReservedĂ’Quid Pro QuoĂ“ ß Bull is hired by a doctor, Samir Shadid (Babak Tafti), whoĂ•s accused by the Manhattan U.S. attorney of bribing his way into college, just as BullĂ•s ex-wife, Isabella (Yara Martinez), is due to give birth. As Bull waits for Izzy to go into labor, he contends with the trialĂ•s national news, due to its connection to a high-profile college admissions conspiracy case, on BULL, Monday, Feb. 10 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured L-R: Yara Martinez as Isabella Ă’IzzyĂ“ Col--n and Michael Weatherly as Dr. Jason Bull Photo: David M. Russell/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved/David M. Russell/David M. Russell
  • Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez, l.); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly, r.)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez, l.); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly, r.)
    Bild: © Sat.1
  • Pictured L-R:Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez) and Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Das Herz in der Hand
    Pictured L-R:Isabella Colón (Yara Martinez) and Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • Taylor Rentzel (MacKenzie Meehan)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Taylor Rentzel (MacKenzie Meehan)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / Jeffrey Neira / Jeffrey Neira
  • ÒChild of MineÓ Ð Bull and Benny represent a couple being sued by their babyÕs biological father for custody after a fertility clinic mistakenly used the wrong manÕs sample. As family court cases are solely decided by a judge, Bull and Benny worry about their best strategy at trial without a jury for TAC to analyze, on BULL, Monday, Feb. 3 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured L-R: Jaime Lee Kirchner as Danny James and Geneva Carr as Marissa Morgan Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    ÒChild of MineÓ Ð Bull and Benny represent a couple being sued by their babyÕs biological father for custody after a fertility clinic mistakenly used the wrong manÕs sample. As family court cases are solely decided by a judge, Bull and Benny worry about their best strategy at trial without a jury for TAC to analyze, on BULL, Monday, Feb. 3 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured L-R: Jaime Lee Kirchner as Danny James and Geneva Carr as Marissa Morgan Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved/Jeffrey Neira/Jeffrey Neira
  • Danny James (Jaime Lee Kirchner, l.); Marissa Morgan (Geneva Carr, r.)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Danny James (Jaime Lee Kirchner, l.); Marissa Morgan (Geneva Carr, r.)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / Jeffrey Neira Lizenzbild frei
  • Danny James (Jaime Lee Kirchner, l.); Marissa Morgan (Geneva Carr, r.)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Danny James (Jaime Lee Kirchner, l.); Marissa Morgan (Geneva Carr, r.)
    Bild: © Sat.1
  • Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / Jeffrey Neira / Jeffrey Neira
  • Pictured L-R:  Pictured: Taylor Rentzel  (Mackenzie Meehan), Chunk Palmer (Chris Jackson), Danny James (Jaime Lee Kirchner), and Marissa Morgan  (Geneva Carr)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Pictured L-R: Pictured: Taylor Rentzel (Mackenzie Meehan), Chunk Palmer (Chris Jackson), Danny James (Jaime Lee Kirchner), and Marissa Morgan (Geneva Carr)
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved/Jeffrey Neira/Jeffrey Neira
  • (v.l.n.r.) Taylor Rentzel (MacKenzie Meehan); Chunk Palmer (Christopher Jackson); Danny James (Jaime Lee Kirchner); Marissa Morgan (Geneva Carr)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    (v.l.n.r.) Taylor Rentzel (MacKenzie Meehan); Chunk Palmer (Christopher Jackson); Danny James (Jaime Lee Kirchner); Marissa Morgan (Geneva Carr)
    Bild: © Sat.1
  • (v.l.n.r.) Miles McConnell (Jay Wilkison); Elizabeth McConnell (Hani Furstenberg); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    (v.l.n.r.) Miles McConnell (Jay Wilkison); Elizabeth McConnell (Hani Furstenberg); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Bild: © 2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Bild: © 2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Bild: © 13th Street
  • (v.l.n.r.) Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez); Miles McConnell (Jay Wilkison); Elizabeth McConnell (Hani Furstenberg); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    (v.l.n.r.) Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez); Miles McConnell (Jay Wilkison); Elizabeth McConnell (Hani Furstenberg); Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)
    Bild: © Sat.1
  • Pictured: Benny Colón (Freddy Rodríguez)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Pictured: Benny Colón (Freddy Rodríguez)
    Bild: © 13th Street / CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • Elizabeth McConnell (Hani Furstenberg, l.); Miles McConnell (Jay Wilkison, r.)
    Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
    Elizabeth McConnell (Hani Furstenberg, l.); Miles McConnell (Jay Wilkison, r.)
    Bild: © 2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Eine Frage des Gewichts
    Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / Jeffrey Neira Lizenzbild frei
  • Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Eine Frage des Gewichts
    Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / Jeffrey Neira / Jeffrey Neira
  • Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Eine Frage des Gewichts
    Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez)
    Bild: © Sat.1
  • Chris Jackson as Chunk Palmer and Michael Weatherly as Dr. Jason Bull
    Eine Frage des Gewichts
    Chris Jackson as Chunk Palmer and Michael Weatherly as Dr. Jason Bull
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / Jeffrey Neira Lizenzbild frei
  • Chris Jackson as Chunk Palmer and Michael Weatherly as Dr. Jason Bull
    Eine Frage des Gewichts
    Chris Jackson as Chunk Palmer and Michael Weatherly as Dr. Jason Bull
    Bild: © Sat.1
  • Reggie Baumann (Don Guillory, l.); Chunk Palmer (Christopher Jackson, r.)
    Eine Frage des Gewichts
    Reggie Baumann (Don Guillory, l.); Chunk Palmer (Christopher Jackson, r.)
    Bild: © 2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved / Jeffrey Neira / Jeffrey Neira
  • Eine Frage des Gewichts
    Bild: © 13th Street