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Diesel Brothers

USA, 2016–

Diesel Brothers
Discovery Channel/Montage
  • 62 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 29759noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Diesel Brothers"

  • Somersault Truck test attempts to turn over.
    Salto auf vier Rädern - Teil 1
    Somersault Truck test attempts to turn over.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • L-R: Dave Sparks is with Dave Kiley and Josh Stewart is in the background.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 2
    L-R: Dave Sparks is with Dave Kiley and Josh Stewart is in the background.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • The front of the fire truck is in the shop before the new design.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 2
    The front of the fire truck is in the shop before the new design.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Dave Sparks, Keaton Hoskins, Dave Kiley and Josh Stewart drive the Fail of the Year through  the valley.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 2
    Dave Sparks, Keaton Hoskins, Dave Kiley and Josh Stewart drive the Fail of the Year through the valley.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • L-R: Dave Sparks, Josh Stewart, Keaton Hoskins, Dave Kiley, and Kyle Wells pose with Fail of the Year.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 2
    L-R: Dave Sparks, Josh Stewart, Keaton Hoskins, Dave Kiley, and Kyle Wells pose with Fail of the Year.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • The the finished fire truck build.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 2
    The the finished fire truck build.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • L-R: Chuck Norris shakes Dave Sparks hand.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 1
    L-R: Chuck Norris shakes Dave Sparks hand.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Maverik exterior with Truck Norris truck and (L-R) Nitro, Chuck Norris, Josh Stewart, Keaton Hoskins, and Dave Kiley.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 1
    Maverik exterior with Truck Norris truck and (L-R) Nitro, Chuck Norris, Josh Stewart, Keaton Hoskins, and Dave Kiley.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Chuck Norris looks at the truck.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 1
    Chuck Norris looks at the truck.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 1
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Photobank 34996_ep113_031.JPG / Discovery Communications
  • Entire Spark Motors team with Chuck Norris and his wife.
    Der Feuerwehr-Truck - Teil 1
    Entire Spark Motors team with Chuck Norris and his wife.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • L-R: Heavy D and Diesel Dave.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 2
    L-R: Heavy D and Diesel Dave.
    Bild: © Tanja Bachetzky / Discovery Channel
  • Josh Stewart (Redbeard)
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 2
    Josh Stewart (Redbeard)
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Heavy D
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 2
    Heavy D
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Heavy D (Dave Sparks) and Orville Neisingh in helicopter.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 2
    Heavy D (Dave Sparks) and Orville Neisingh in helicopter.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Photobank 34996_ep112_001.JPG / Discovery Communications
  • Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 2
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Photobank 34996_ep112_001.JPG / Discovery Communications
  • Keaton Hoskins
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 2
    Keaton Hoskins
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Dave Kiley
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 2
    Dave Kiley
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Heavy D and Chet working on the Holy Grail truck build.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 2
    Heavy D and Chet working on the Holy Grail truck build.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 1
    Bild: © TV24
  • Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 1
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The Muscle, Diesel Dave, and Heavy D, and Redbeard
    Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 2
    The Muscle, Diesel Dave, and Heavy D, and Redbeard
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The Muscle, Diesel Dave, and Heavy D, and Redbeard.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 1
    The Muscle, Diesel Dave, and Heavy D, and Redbeard.
    Bild: © Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Heavy D with his pride and joy.
    Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 2
    Heavy D with his pride and joy.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • The Muscle working on the vehicle.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 1
    The Muscle working on the vehicle.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • The Overkill Racing crew arrives to save the day with the 4x4 giveaway.
    Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 1
    The Overkill Racing crew arrives to save the day with the 4x4 giveaway.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Heavy D & Dave Kiley
    Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 2
    Heavy D & Dave Kiley
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Nitro, Chuck Norris, Josh Stewart, Keaton Hoskins, and Dave Kiley
    Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 2
    Nitro, Chuck Norris, Josh Stewart, Keaton Hoskins, and Dave Kiley
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 1
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • DieselSellerz and Overkill Racing crew working together on the giveaway.
    Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 1
    DieselSellerz and Overkill Racing crew working together on the giveaway.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Heavy D and Muscle having a two-wheel competition.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 1
    Heavy D and Muscle having a two-wheel competition.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The mechanic working on the ten-ton vehicle.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 1
    The mechanic working on the ten-ton vehicle.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Tyson, Diesel Dave and Chavis working on the F550 build.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 1
    Tyson, Diesel Dave and Chavis working on the F550 build.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • DieselSellerz and Overkill Racing crew working together on the giveaway.
    Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 1
    DieselSellerz and Overkill Racing crew working together on the giveaway.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Congrats to Josh Wiles the winner of the H-1 Hummer giveaway.
    Ein Monstrum in Tarnfarben - Teil 1
    Congrats to Josh Wiles the winner of the H-1 Hummer giveaway.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Photobank 34996_ep111_024.JPG / Discovery Communications
  • Water Skiing? Wake Boarding? There is nothing this Denali can't do, and The Muscle and Diesel Dave are having too much fun with this photo Shoot.
    Mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm - Teil 2
    Water Skiing? Wake Boarding? There is nothing this Denali can't do, and The Muscle and Diesel Dave are having too much fun with this photo Shoot.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications