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Dr. Dee: Tierärztin in Alaska

(Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet) 
USA, 2015–

Dr. Dee: Tierärztin in Alaska
Animal Planet/Screenshot
  • 59 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 29187noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Dr. Dee: Tierärztin in Alaska"

  • Director of Photography, Jeff Alberts captures the scene at S&K Farms.
    Erdmännchen, Hund oder Schwein?
    Director of Photography, Jeff Alberts captures the scene at S&K Farms.
    Bild: © Animal Planet / Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Dee Thornell from Fairbanks, AK.
    Asthmaanfall im Outback
    Dr. Dee Thornell from Fairbanks, AK.
    Bild: © Photobank 34303_3K4A5532.jpg / Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Kackmaschine Kuh
    Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Animal Planet)
  • Dr  Dee group
    Kackmaschine Kuh
    Dr Dee group
    Bild: © TLC
  • Nicole keeps the records straight during one of Dr. Terry's surgeries.
    Asthmaanfall im Outback
    Nicole keeps the records straight during one of Dr. Terry's surgeries.
    Bild: © Photographer: Carl H Matsukado / Animal Planet / Copyright: Carl H Matsukado
  • Asthmaanfall im Outback
    Bild: © Copyright: Carl H Matsukado/Photographer: Carl H Matsukado/Photographer: Carl H Matsukado
  • The crew sets up for Dr. Dee's arrival at Delta Meat & Sausage.
    Kackmaschine Kuh
    The crew sets up for Dr. Dee's arrival at Delta Meat & Sausage.
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • Nicole assists Dr. Terry during surgery in Galena, AK.
    Asthmaanfall im Outback
    Nicole assists Dr. Terry during surgery in Galena, AK.
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • Kackmaschine Kuh
    Bild: © Animal Planet