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Dr. Pimple Popper

USA, 2018–

Dr. Pimple Popper
  • 217 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 359144.64von 14 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Dr. Pimple Popper"

  • Jennifer awaits her consultation with Dr. Lee.
    Auswuchs XXL
    Jennifer awaits her consultation with Dr. Lee.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee examines Tamyra in the examination room.
    Der Streuselkuchen
    Dr. Lee examines Tamyra in the examination room.
    Bild: © TLC / Photobank. / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Auswuchs XXL
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Auswuchs XXL
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery, Inc.
  • Der Streuselkuchen
    Bild: © Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates.
  • Das letzte Einhorn
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Nasenbär online
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Diane arrives for her appointment with Dr. Lee.
    Die Luft ist raus
    Diane arrives for her appointment with Dr. Lee.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • John is all smiles after his visit with Dr. Lee.
    007: Pickelfinger
    John is all smiles after his visit with Dr. Lee.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Noelle is happy and excited to see Dr. Lee.
    007: Pickelfinger
    Noelle is happy and excited to see Dr. Lee.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee mid-surgery on Sandra Hampton.
    Die Luft ist raus
    Dr. Lee mid-surgery on Sandra Hampton.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Louis, his son, and Producer John are all smiles after their visit with Dr. Lee.
    Das letzte Einhorn
    Louis, his son, and Producer John are all smiles after their visit with Dr. Lee.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Das letzte Einhorn
    Bild: © TLC
  • Dr. Sandra Lee with Noelle.
    007: Pickelfinger
    Dr. Sandra Lee with Noelle.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Anthony aka Pops talks about his successful procedure.
    Die Luft ist raus
    Anthony aka Pops talks about his successful procedure.
    Bild: © Discovery, Inc.
  • Nasenbär online
    Bild: © TLC/Rachel Lippert / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Dr. Sandra Lee.
    Nasenbär online
    Dr. Sandra Lee.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Diane
    Die Luft ist raus
    Bild: © TLC
  • Anthony's daughters examine their father's lipoma.
    Die Luft ist raus
    Anthony's daughters examine their father's lipoma.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee checking Brenda's forehead.SONY DSC
    Das letzte Einhorn
    Dr. Lee checking Brenda's forehead.SONY DSC
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Louis is a former soldier and Vietnam veteran. But when he returned to the United States from a mission from Kuwait, his skin all over his body became extremely dry and flaky, resembling the horny scales of reptiles.
    Das letzte Einhorn
    Louis is a former soldier and Vietnam veteran. But when he returned to the United States from a mission from Kuwait, his skin all over his body became extremely dry and flaky, resembling the horny scales of reptiles.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Dr. Lee examines Diane's Fibroids.
    Die Luft ist raus
    Dr. Lee examines Diane's Fibroids.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Nasenbär online
    Bild: © TLC
  • Anjelina's post-surgery.
    Harry Popper und der Pickel des Schreckens
    Anjelina's post-surgery.
    Bild: © TLC / Photobank 35730_046.jpg / Discovery Communications
  • Harry Popper und der Pickel des Schreckens
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee mid-surgery on Sandra Hampton.
    Vorsicht, spritzig!
    Dr. Lee mid-surgery on Sandra Hampton.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee and assistant operate on David's neck.
    Weihnachtskugel am Ohr
    Dr. Lee and assistant operate on David's neck.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • One of Dr. Lee's nurses reviewing a patient’s file.
    Harry Popper und der Pickel des Schreckens
    One of Dr. Lee's nurses reviewing a patient’s file.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee operates on Brandi’s lump.
    Gekommen um zu bleiben
    Dr. Lee operates on Brandi’s lump.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee examines Brandi's lump.
    Gekommen um zu bleiben
    Dr. Lee examines Brandi's lump.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee with the patient.
    Vorsicht, spritzig!
    Dr. Lee with the patient.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Dr. Lee examines a skin biopsy under a microscope.
    Harry Popper und der Pickel des Schreckens
    Dr. Lee examines a skin biopsy under a microscope.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Gekommen um zu bleiben
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee opererer Sandra Hampton i Dr. Pimple Popper.
    Harry Popper und der Pickel des Schreckens
    Dr. Lee opererer Sandra Hampton i Dr. Pimple Popper.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery
  • Vorsicht, spritzig!
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Lee, mid procedure.
    Harry Popper und der Pickel des Schreckens
    Dr. Lee, mid procedure.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery, Inc.