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Drogen im Visier

(Drugs, Inc.) 
USA, 2010–

Drogen im Visier
National Geographic Channel
  • 69 Fans
  • Serienwertung3 172073.00von 5 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Drogen im Visier"

  • Baltimore, MD USA: Polizeiautos in Baltimore. (Bildnachweis: National Geographic Channels/Giovanni Ulleri)
    Der Insider
    Baltimore, MD USA: Polizeiautos in Baltimore. (Bildnachweis: National Geographic Channels/Giovanni Ulleri)
    Bild: © FOX Networks / National Geographic Channels / Giovanni Ulleri
  • HERION 02.jpg
    Der Insider
    HERION 02.jpg
    Bild: © Wall To Wall Media Ltd
  • Heroin captured by the USA Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

(Photo Credit: © DEA). heroin_powder.jpg
    DEA vs. Drogenmafia
    Heroin captured by the USA Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). (Photo Credit: © DEA). heroin_powder.jpg
    Bild: © DEA
  • HERION 06.jpg
    Salt Lake Drogen-City
    HERION 06.jpg
    Bild: © Wall To Wall Media Ltd
  • 92202769.JPG
    Salt Lake Drogen-City
    Bild: © Unspecified
  • . . . Lianne3PP5_1805.JPG
    Salt Lake Drogen-City
    . . . Lianne3PP5_1805.JPG
    Bild: © Wall To Wall Media Ltd
  • Boston, MA USA: Reuben, a heroin dealer and user. (Photo Credit: National Geographic Channels/Des Daniels)
    Salt Lake Drogen-City
    Boston, MA USA: Reuben, a heroin dealer and user. (Photo Credit: National Geographic Channels/Des Daniels)
    Bild: © FOX Networks / National Geographic Channels / Des Daniels
  • Drehscheibe Boston
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drehscheibe Boston
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drehscheibe Boston
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Oakland, CA: The 'BAT' -  Ballistic Armored Transport Vehicle - is used to knock down a wall that protects a Mexican gang's house.  (Photo Credit: National Geographic Channels/ Nick Norman-Butler)
    Kokainhochburg Kalifornien
    Oakland, CA: The 'BAT' - Ballistic Armored Transport Vehicle - is used to knock down a wall that protects a Mexican gang's house. (Photo Credit: National Geographic Channels/ Nick Norman-Butler)
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Kokainhochburg Kalifornien
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Kokainhochburg Kalifornien
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Kokainhochburg Kalifornien
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drogensumpf in Tennessee
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drogensumpf in Tennessee
    Bild: © 2012 FOX NETWORKS GROUP GERMANY GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
    Drogenhochburg Phoenix
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Miami Vice
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Philly Dope
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drogenmetropole Chicago
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Jamaica: Gangs, Guns & Ganja
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Jamaica: Gangs, Guns & Ganja
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drogenhölle Houston
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Geld und weißes Pulver in einer Tüte.
    Jamaica: Gangs, Guns & Ganja
    Geld und weißes Pulver in einer Tüte.
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Jamaica: Gangs, Guns & Ganja
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drogenstadt Detroit
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drogenstadt Detroit
    Jon, a heroin street dealer.
    Bild: © 1996–2013 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
  • Abgestürzt in Seattle
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Abgestürzt in Seattle
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drogenstadt Detroit
    Beverly, a Community Activist.
    Bild: © 1996–2013 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
  • Drogenstadt Detroit
    Bild: © Copyright © The National Geographic Channel.
  • Drogenstadt Detroit
    Nation, a DMT user. DMT is a powerful psychedelic drug.
    Bild: © 1996–2013 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
  • Zombies auf Puerto Rico
    Heroin being injected into an addict's hand
    Bild: © 1996–2013 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
  • Zombies auf Puerto Rico
    A street dealer in San Juan works the night shift at his drug distribution point, selling crack, heroin, marijuana, and coke.
    Bild: © 1996–2013 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
  • Zombies auf Puerto Rico
    The cameraman shoots a CBP officer opening a package of cocaine.
    Bild: © 1996–2013 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.
  • Drogenmekka Montana
    Guns and meth pipes.
    Bild: © 1996–2013 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved.