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Eine schrecklich schwere Familie

(Family by the Ton) 
USA, 2017–

Eine schrecklich schwere Familie
  • 40 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 36124noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Eine schrecklich schwere Familie"

  • The overweight Anderson clan held a family therapy session with psychologist Dr. Ritz, because everyone is struggling to lose weight. Naomi, who weighs 150 pounds, is going through a lot right now. She recently miscarried and is still dealing with the death of her beloved grandmother. Chitoka, who still weighs 150 pounds, just can't eat less and barely moves. Drew's problem is that he's still stuffing unhealthy stuff into himself. And Beverly just lost motivation because her mom passed away.
    Schluss mit Frustessen
    The overweight Anderson clan held a family therapy session with psychologist Dr. Ritz, because everyone is struggling to lose weight. Naomi, who weighs 150 pounds, is going through a lot right now. She recently miscarried and is still dealing with the death of her beloved grandmother. Chitoka, who still weighs 150 pounds, just can't eat less and barely moves. Drew's problem is that he's still stuffing unhealthy stuff into himself. And Beverly just lost motivation because her mom passed away.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Schluss mit Frustessen
    Bild: © DSPL
  • Schluss mit Frustessen
    Bild: © DSPL
  • Schicksalsschläge
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC/Scott Ippolito/Scott Ippolito
  • Ein Jahr später
    Bild: © Telefónica de España/ Dkiss
  • Ein Jahr später
    Bild: © Discovery Communications/Scott Ippolito/Scott Ippolito
  • Naomi smiling on bench under pavilion.
    Ein Jahr später
    Naomi smiling on bench under pavilion.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Schluss mit Frustessen
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC/Scott Ippolito/Scott Ippolito
  • Amanda, Amy, Casey, and Ed at reveal party
    Die fantastischen Vier
    Amanda, Amy, Casey, and Ed at reveal party
    Bild: © TLC
  • Casey smiling with Dex in conversation.
    Die fantastischen Vier
    Casey smiling with Dex in conversation.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Amy smiling and meal prepping with friend Nikki.
    Amy smiling and meal prepping with friend Nikki.
    Bild: © Scott Ippolito / Discovery Communications, LLC / TLC
  • Naomi smiling on bench under pavilion.
    Die fantastischen Vier
    Naomi smiling on bench under pavilion.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Dr. Procter talking to Amanda who is crying in the office.
    Das Ende des Lebens
    Dr. Procter talking to Amanda who is crying in the office.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Michelle and Amanda sitting on a park bench.
    Für die Kinder
    Michelle and Amanda sitting on a park bench.
    Bild: © Scott Ippolito / Discovery Communications, LLC / TLC
  • Erste Schritte in ein neues Leben
    Bild: © Telefónica de España/ Dkiss
  • Erste Schritte in ein neues Leben
    Bild: © Telefónica de España/ Dkiss
  • Casey wiping face in trough.
    Klärende Gespräche
    Casey wiping face in trough.
    Bild: © Scott Ippolito / Discovery Communications, LLC / TLC
  • Erste Schritte in ein neues Leben
    Bild: © Telefónica de España/ Dkiss
  • The crowd cheers and claps at the reveal party.
    Die Familie hat es geschafft
    The crowd cheers and claps at the reveal party.
    Bild: © TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Group photo in the pool.
    Chitokas großer Tag
    Group photo in the pool.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Chitokas großer Tag
    Bild: © Discovery Communications/Scott Ippolito/Scott Ippolito
  • Chitoka.
    Chitokas großer Tag
    Bild: © TLC
  • Drew talking to trainer on bench at the park.
    Sport ist Mord
    Drew talking to trainer on bench at the park.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Drew is at the reveal party.
    Die Familie hat es geschafft
    Drew is at the reveal party.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Dr. Procter and Drew smiling while shaking hands at the reveal party.
    Die Familie hat es geschafft
    Dr. Procter and Drew smiling while shaking hands at the reveal party.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Drew with his trainer at the park.
    Sport ist Mord
    Drew with his trainer at the park.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Chitoka looking concerned.
    Naomi legt los
    Chitoka looking concerned.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Die Reise beginnt
    Bild: © Discovery Networks - For Show Promotion Only / TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Chitoka and Robyn talking.
    Kleine Schritte
    Chitoka and Robyn talking.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Die Reise beginnt
    Bild: © Discovery Networks - For Show Promotion Only / TLC / Discovery Communications
  • The moment of truth rings for Naomi today. After two weeks of the shake diet, she has to weigh in with Doctor Procter and it will be decided whether he will consent to an operation.
    Kleine Schritte
    The moment of truth rings for Naomi today. After two weeks of the shake diet, she has to weigh in with Doctor Procter and it will be decided whether he will consent to an operation.
    Bild: © TLC
  • Chitoka taking a break from walking in her house.
    Kleine Schritte
    Chitoka taking a break from walking in her house.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Die Reise beginnt
    Bild: © Discovery Networks - For Show Promotion Only / TLC / Discovery Communications
  • Beverly relaxing on couchwith to Drew.
    Die Reise beginnt
    Beverly relaxing on couchwith to Drew.
    Bild: © TLC
  • smiling Anderson family at reveal party
    Die Reise beginnt
    smiling Anderson family at reveal party
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Chitoka listening to Naomi's concerns about Beverly
    Die Reise beginnt
    Chitoka listening to Naomi's concerns about Beverly
    Bild: © TLC