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Home Alone - Tatort Zuhause

(Home Alone) 
USA/GB, 2017–

Home Alone - Tatort Zuhause
Investigation Discovery
  • 35 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 339664.40von 5 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Home Alone - Tatort Zuhause"

  • Yei looking right.
    Die Weihnachtsdiebe
    Yei looking right.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Adam creeping through the trees.
    Spiel mit dem Feuer
    Adam creeping through the trees.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Vom Wahnsinn gezeichnet
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Jaime smelling Haley's hair.
    Vom Wahnsinn gezeichnet
    Jaime smelling Haley's hair.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Wenn es zweimal klingelt ...
    Bild: © DSPL
  • Rhana looking worried.
    Gefangen in der Vergangenheit
    Rhana looking worried.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Kristi has a black eye.
    Wenn es zweimal klingelt ...
    Kristi has a black eye.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Wenn es zweimal klingelt ...
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Matthew with his hands behind his head.
    Spiel mit der Angst
    Matthew with his hands behind his head.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Masked attacker threatens CeCe with force.
    Erben des Bösen
    Masked attacker threatens CeCe with force.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Gun shot holes in bathtub where young girl is hiding.
    Hinterm Duschvorhang
    Gun shot holes in bathtub where young girl is hiding.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • A portrait of Valerie and Nathan.
    Dämonen aus der Vergangenheit
    A portrait of Valerie and Nathan.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Police
    Erben des Bösen
    Bild: © CC0 Creative Commons Free for commercial use No attribution required
  • Shane looking at reflection in bathroom mirror.
    Hinterm Duschvorhang
    Shane looking at reflection in bathroom mirror.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Gewalt
    Dämonen aus der Vergangenheit
    Bild: © CC0 Creative Commons Free for commercial use No attribution required
  • Valerie is on the phone.
    Dämonen aus der Vergangenheit
    Valerie is on the phone.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Image of CeCe in her home looking stoic.
    Erben des Bösen
    Image of CeCe in her home looking stoic.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Shane points gun at a terrified Cheryl.
    Hinterm Duschvorhang
    Shane points gun at a terrified Cheryl.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Scared family locked in bathroom while threatened by a home invader.
    Hinterm Duschvorhang
    Scared family locked in bathroom while threatened by a home invader.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Erin in interview smiling.
    Gefangen im Keller
    Erin in interview smiling.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Jason watching the house from the bushes while police car is parked in front.
    Porträt eines Stalkers
    Jason watching the house from the bushes while police car is parked in front.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Derrick pointing a gun at Haley and friend while they are tied up on the bed.
    Stille Nacht, heiliger Schock
    Derrick pointing a gun at Haley and friend while they are tied up on the bed.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Greg in interview looking into camera,.
    Gefangen im Keller
    Greg in interview looking into camera,.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Derrick pleading with Haley to come to him.
    Stille Nacht, heiliger Schock
    Derrick pleading with Haley to come to him.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Teresa looking into camera smiling, sitting for interview.
    Stille Nacht, heiliger Schock
    Teresa looking into camera smiling, sitting for interview.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Derrick waiting inside with a shotgun.
    Stille Nacht, heiliger Schock
    Derrick waiting inside with a shotgun.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Portrait of Katie smiling outside.
    Porträt eines Stalkers
    Portrait of Katie smiling outside.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Katie is found by Jason, she is on the bed with her phone looking scared.
    Porträt eines Stalkers
    Katie is found by Jason, she is on the bed with her phone looking scared.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Gefangen im Keller
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Gefangen im Keller
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Portrait of officer.
    Gefangen im Keller
    Portrait of officer.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Katie, Sammy and Tammy pose with a scarecrow outside.
    Porträt eines Stalkers
    Katie, Sammy and Tammy pose with a scarecrow outside.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications
  • Portrait of officer.
    Gefangen im Keller
    Portrait of officer.
    Bild: © Investigation Discovery / Discovery Communications