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Modern Explorers

USA, 2019

Modern Explorers
Insight TV / The Go Big Project
  • 2 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 51346noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Modern Explorers Episodenliste


7 Folgen

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  • 1.01Folge 1
    Inplus, 01.02.2020
    Monte Brento in the Italian Alps is a great place to try new tricks in a wing suit. And for a paralyzed friend from Dubai, the perfect place to keep on jumping.
  • 2.02Folge 2
    Inplus, 08.02.2020
    Jokke, Espen and Niccolo have emotional reunions with family members. First in the Alps and later on the island of Sardinia, where Niccolo was raised.
  • 3.03Folge 3
    Inplus, 15.02.2020
    Wing suit flying on the coast of Sardinia is unexplored territory. Niccolo desperately wants to try a new line with Espen which finishes on a beach.
  • 4.04Folge 4
    Inplus, 22.02.2020
    Jokke travels to the US, first to have some fun in California and then on to Alaska to go speed flying with his friend Miles Daisher. Chopper time!
  • 5.05Folge 5
    Inplus, 29.02.2020
    The Alaskan mountains in spring are mind blowing. Jokke and his friends board the helicopter to go speed flying. It may look peaceful but it's very dangerous.
  • 6.06Folge 6
    Inplus, 07.03.2020
    Jokke Niccolo and Espen travel to China. They participate in a wingsuit flying competition. The platform they jump from is just like the mountains: gigantic.
  • 7.07Folge 7
    Inplus, 14.03.2020
    Wingsuit flying is among the most dangerous sports in the world. How do Espen, Jokke and Niccolo manage to stay alive?