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Wenn Tiere angreifen

(I Was Prey) 
USA, 2016–

Wenn Tiere angreifen
Animal Planet
  • 18 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 35548noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Wenn Tiere angreifen"

  • Wenn Tiere angreifen
    Unheimlich still
    Wenn Tiere angreifen
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • A rattlesnake looking at the camera.
    Biss zum Tod
    A rattlesnake looking at the camera.
    Bild: © Tais Policanti / Getty Images / Moment RF / Tais Policanti photography
  • Wenn Menschen Bären in freier Wildbahn begegnen, kann es für den Menschen tödlich enden./Wenn Menschen Bären in freier Wildbahn begegnen, kann es für den Menschen tödlich enden.
    Biss zum Tod
    Wenn Menschen Bären in freier Wildbahn begegnen, kann es für den Menschen tödlich enden./Wenn Menschen Bären in freier Wildbahn begegnen, kann es für den Menschen tödlich enden.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Alligator underwater.
    Biss zum Tod
    Alligator underwater.
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • A rattlesnake looking at the camera.
    Biss zum Tod
    A rattlesnake looking at the camera.
    Bild: © Tais Policanti / Getty Images / Moment RF / Tais Policanti photography
  • Wenn Tiere angreifen
    Biss zum Tod
    Wenn Tiere angreifen
    Bild: © CC0
  • Yasawa islands, Fiji - A large bull shark.
    Bis zum letzten Blutstropfen
    Yasawa islands, Fiji - A large bull shark.
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • A large bull shark with a knobby forehead is swimming at an angle towards the camera in blue water with many small fish in the area in the Yasawa islands in Fiji.
    Bis zum letzten Blutstropfen
    A large bull shark with a knobby forehead is swimming at an angle towards the camera in blue water with many small fish in the area in the Yasawa islands in Fiji.
    Bild: © June Jacobsen / Getty Images/iStockphoto / GettyImages-1144922862
  • Bis zum letzten Blutstropfen
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • A large bull shark with a knobby forehead is swimming at an angle towards the camera in blue water with many small fish in the area in the Yasawa islands in Fiji.
    Bis zum letzten Blutstropfen
    A large bull shark with a knobby forehead is swimming at an angle towards the camera in blue water with many small fish in the area in the Yasawa islands in Fiji.
    Bild: © June Jacobsen / Getty Images/iStockphoto / GettyImages-1144922862
  • Human Prey / I Was Prey.
    Bei lebendigem Leib
    Human Prey / I Was Prey.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications / Animal Planet / For Show Promotion Only
  • Kenneth Shaw.
    Bei lebendigem Leib
    Kenneth Shaw.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Alligator Entering the Water
    Ein Elefant in Rage
    Alligator Entering the Water
    Bild: © Moelyn Photos / Getty Images / Moment RF;GettyImages-542748239. / Copyright 2015 Moelyn Photos
  • Brahma Bulls grazing in lush green pasture meadow pasture
    Auf die Hörner genommen
    Brahma Bulls grazing in lush green pasture meadow pasture
    Bild: © WestwindPhoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto / GettyImages-812735114
  • A medium size Gray Wolf in Northern British Columbia.
    Vom Wolf verschleppt
    A medium size Gray Wolf in Northern British Columbia.
    Bild: © Photoservice / Getty Images/iStockphoto / iStockphoto
  • Human Prey / I Was Prey.
    Vom Wolf verschleppt
    Human Prey / I Was Prey.
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • Crocodile Swimming In Sea
    Crocodile Swimming In Sea
    Bild: © Gang Song / EyeEm / Getty Images/EyeEm / EyeEm / SONG GANG
  • A medium size Gray Wolf in Northern British Columbia.
    Vom Wolf verschleppt
    A medium size Gray Wolf in Northern British Columbia.
    Bild: © Photoservice / Getty Images/iStockphoto / iStockphoto
  • Crocodile swimming in water.
    Krokodil-Attacke im Dschungel
    Crocodile swimming in water.
    Bild: © 2630ben / Getty Images/iStockphoto / iStockphoto / IMAGE COPYRIGHT BEN MCRAE
  • Crocodile swimming in water.
    Krokodil-Attacke im Dschungel
    Crocodile swimming in water.
    Bild: © 2630ben / Getty Images/iStockphoto / iStockphoto / IMAGE COPYRIGHT BEN MCRAE
  • Alligator Entering the Water
    Ein Elefant in Rage
    Alligator Entering the Water
    Bild: © Moelyn Photos / Getty Images / Moment RF;GettyImages-542748239. / Copyright 2015 Moelyn Photos
  • Human Prey / I Was Prey.
    Vom Wolf verschleppt
    Human Prey / I Was Prey.
    Bild: © Animal Planet / Discovery
  • Human Prey / I Was Prey.
    Zerfleischt von einem Puma
    Human Prey / I Was Prey.
    Bild: © Animal Planet / Discovery
  • Vom Wolf verschleppt
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Brahma Bulls grazing in lush green pasture meadow pasture
    Auf die Hörner genommen
    Brahma Bulls grazing in lush green pasture meadow pasture
    Bild: © WestwindPhoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto / GettyImages-812735114
  • Brown bear in the forest , dangerous look
    Zerfleischt von einem Puma
    Brown bear in the forest , dangerous look
    Bild: © Poison / Getty Images/iStockphoto / iStockphoto / IONESCU
  • Krokodil-Attacke im Dschungel
    Bild: © US DLTO. / Discovery Communications, LLC.
  • Vom Wolf verschleppt
    Bild: © US DLTO. / Discovery Communications, LLC.
  • Brown bear in the forest , dangerous look
    Zerfleischt von einem Puma
    Brown bear in the forest , dangerous look
    Bild: © Poison / Getty Images/iStockphoto / iStockphoto / IONESCU
  • Khwai River, Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana - Portrait of a Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) Bull Charging in the Water
    Im Maul eines Flusspferdes
    Khwai River, Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana - Portrait of a Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) Bull Charging in the Water
    Bild: © Richard Du Toit / Getty Images/Gallo Images ROOTS / GettyImages-71104698
  • Crocodile Swimming In Sea
    Crocodile Swimming In Sea
    Bild: © Gang Song / EyeEm / Getty Images/EyeEm / EyeEm / SONG GANG
  • Grizzly (brown) bear  (Ursus arctos) growling
    Eine Bärenmutter schlägt zu
    Grizzly (brown) bear (Ursus arctos) growling
    Bild: © James Gritz / Getty Images / Photographer's Choice RF;GettyIm / james Gritz
  • Khwai River, Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana - Portrait of a Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) Bull Charging in the Water
    Im Maul eines Flusspferdes
    Khwai River, Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana - Portrait of a Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) Bull Charging in the Water
    Bild: © Richard Du Toit / Getty Images/Gallo Images ROOTS / GettyImages-71104698
  • Grizzly (brown) bear  (Ursus arctos) growling
    Eine Bärenmutter schlägt zu
    Grizzly (brown) bear (Ursus arctos) growling
    Bild: © James Gritz / Getty Images / Photographer's Choice RF;GettyIm / james Gritz