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Alaskan Bush People

USA, 2014–

Alaskan Bush People
  • Platz 11221044 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 251824.33von 33 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Alaskan Bush People"

  • L-R: Gabriel Brown, Rain Brown, Amora "Bird" Jean clearing snow from their land.
    Die Straußenfarm
    L-R: Gabriel Brown, Rain Brown, Amora "Bird" Jean clearing snow from their land.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe and Bird Brown in the cab of the farm truck.
    Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
    Gabe and Bird Brown in the cab of the farm truck.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe clears land for his new cabin site.
    Gabe clears land for his new cabin site.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • The Brown Family leaves North Star Ranch to meet their newest family member.
    Das Warten hat ein Ende
    The Brown Family leaves North Star Ranch to meet their newest family member.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe and Bird Brown in the cab of the farm truck.
    Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
    Gabe and Bird Brown in the cab of the farm truck.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Rain, Ami, Billy, Bird, Bear, and Bam Brown around the family campfire.
    Wasser für die Ranch
    Rain, Ami, Billy, Bird, Bear, and Bam Brown around the family campfire.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Die Straußenfarm
    Bird and Rain walk their goats on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Noah Brown outside the horse corral.
    Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
    Noah Brown outside the horse corral.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Billy Brown uses the dozer to pull Bear‚Äôs second conex container up the mountain.
    Das Chaos vor dem Sturm
    Billy Brown uses the dozer to pull Bear’s second conex container up the mountain.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird and Rain feed the goats in the pen
    Hochzeit auf dem Berg
    Bird and Rain feed the goats in the pen
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Die Straußenfarm
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / US KEY ART / Discovery Communications LLC
  • Rain Brown collects firewood.
    Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
    Rain Brown collects firewood.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird goes hunting along on Brown Mountain.
    Trauer um das Federvieh
    Bird goes hunting along on Brown Mountain.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird and Rain feed the goats in the pen
    Hochzeit auf dem Berg
    Bird and Rain feed the goats in the pen
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Snowbird Portraits.
    Jagd auf Fasane
    Snowbird Portraits.
    Bild: © Jason Elias / Discovery Communications / Jason Elias/Discovery Channel
  • Billy and Bear Brown make plans around the family campfire.
    Wasser für die Ranch
    Billy and Bear Brown make plans around the family campfire.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird and Gabe work on Bird's new home.
    Bird and Gabe work on Bird's new home.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bam and Bear Brown load building materials for the ranch.
    Die Straußenfarm
    Bam and Bear Brown load building materials for the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Billy, Bear, and Gabe prepare to move Bear‚Äôs conex container up the mountain.
    Das Chaos vor dem Sturm
    Billy, Bear, and Gabe prepare to move Bear’s conex container up the mountain.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird and Rain Brown.
    Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
    Bird and Rain Brown.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Bam and Bear Brown load building materials for the ranch.
    Die Straußenfarm
    Bam and Bear Brown load building materials for the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bam and Bear Brown load building materials for the ranch.
    Die Straußenfarm
    Bam and Bear Brown load building materials for the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Wasser für die Ranch
    Bam Brown is working on his property and is interrupted by his sister Rain.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • The siblings experience winter on North Star Ranch.
    The siblings experience winter on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bam working on North Star Ranch.
    Hochzeit auf dem Berg
    Bam working on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • The Brown siblings return from their successful pheasant hunt.
    Jagd auf Fasane
    The Brown siblings return from their successful pheasant hunt.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • The siblings experience winter on North Star Ranch.
    The siblings experience winter on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © DMAX
  • The Brown Family leaves North Star Ranch to meet their newest family member.
    Das Warten hat ein Ende
    The Brown Family leaves North Star Ranch to meet their newest family member.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Billy, Bear, and Bam go ice fishing for part of their barter for a generator.
    Wasser für die Ranch
    Billy, Bear, and Bam go ice fishing for part of their barter for a generator.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Brown Siblings arrive at pheasant hunt location to set up their base camp.
    Jagd auf Fasane
    Brown Siblings arrive at pheasant hunt location to set up their base camp.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird feeding the goats in the North Star Ranch pen.
    Bird feeding the goats in the North Star Ranch pen.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe Brown Portraits
    Das Chaos vor dem Sturm
    Gabe Brown Portraits
    Bild: © Jason Elias / Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Gabe Brown Portraits
    Das Chaos vor dem Sturm
    Gabe Brown Portraits
    Bild: © Jason Elias / Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Bam Brown.
    Die Bären sind los
    Bam Brown.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Noah Brown working near trapper shack.
    Wettlauf mit dem Winter
    Noah Brown working near trapper shack.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Gabe Brown with arms stretched out.
    Wettlauf mit dem Winter
    Gabe Brown with arms stretched out.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel