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Alaskan Bush People

USA, 2014–

Alaskan Bush People
  • Platz 11221044 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 251824.33von 33 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Alaskan Bush People"

  • Wooden mask hung on a fence by the Brown family
    Divide et impera
    Wooden mask hung on a fence by the Brown family
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Ami Brown.
    Die liebe Familie
    Ami Brown.
    Bild: © Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • The Brown boys are unloading the stove they scavaged from the demolition site.
    Die liebe Familie
    The Brown boys are unloading the stove they scavaged from the demolition site.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • L-R: Gabe Brown, Matt Brown and Billy Brown tending to fresh kill.
    Divide et impera
    L-R: Gabe Brown, Matt Brown and Billy Brown tending to fresh kill.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Die liebe Familie
    Rain holds a baby goat in the goat pen.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Matt Brown decides he will gut the deer since Bam Bam Brown successfully shot it.
    Divide et impera
    Matt Brown decides he will gut the deer since Bam Bam Brown successfully shot it.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Die liebe Familie
    Rain holds a baby goat in the goat pen.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • The Brown's family dog Mr. Cupcake.
    Divide et impera
    The Brown's family dog Mr. Cupcake.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The "Lorcan" has an engine failure.
    Die liebe Familie
    The "Lorcan" has an engine failure.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Die liebe Familie
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Brown family about to enter their home.
    Divide et impera
    Brown family about to enter their home.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Divide et impera
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Wolfpack howl.
    Ungebetene Gäste
    Wolfpack howl.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird Brown and Rain Brown sit around campfire to keep warm on Brown Ranch.
    Der große Kälteeinbruch
    Bird Brown and Rain Brown sit around campfire to keep warm on Brown Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe works on North Star Ranch.
    Gefährliches Gewitter
    Gabe works on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird Brown and Gabe Brown chores on North Star Ranch.
    Das ehrgeizige Hausprojekt
    Bird Brown and Gabe Brown chores on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bam works on North Star Ranch.
    Der Heiratsantrag
    Bam works on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird Brown takes care of her goats in the corral.
    Frostige Aussichten
    Bird Brown takes care of her goats in the corral.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Frostige Aussichten
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Schüsse in der Nacht
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Gabe and Bear place water tank.
    Schüsse in der Nacht
    Gabe and Bear place water tank.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird and Rain at campfire.
    Ungebetene Gäste
    Bird and Rain at campfire.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • L-R: Rain, Bam, Bird work on North Star Ranch.
    Bears großer Tag
    L-R: Rain, Bam, Bird work on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • The Browns have a campfire cookout.
    Ungebetene Gäste
    The Browns have a campfire cookout.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Rain Brown outside her home with some ranch residents.
    Frostige Aussichten
    Rain Brown outside her home with some ranch residents.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Familia
    Frostige Aussichten
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / US KEY ART / Discovery Communications LLC
  • Gabe and Bear place water tank.
    Schüsse in der Nacht
    Gabe and Bear place water tank.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe prepping his wedding ceremony location.
    Das ehrgeizige Hausprojekt
    Gabe prepping his wedding ceremony location.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Der große Kälteeinbruch
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / US KEY ART / Discovery Communications LLC
  • Bam works on new foundation.
    Der Heiratsantrag
    Bam works on new foundation.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird with her goats in their pen.
    Romantik auf der Ranch
    Bird with her goats in their pen.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bear Brown climbs a tree to track from on high.
    Der große Kälteeinbruch
    Bear Brown climbs a tree to track from on high.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe Brown works on ranch infrastructure
    Frostige Aussichten
    Gabe Brown works on ranch infrastructure
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bear Browm scouts and tracks on Brown Mountain.
    Der große Kälteeinbruch
    Bear Browm scouts and tracks on Brown Mountain.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bear Brown climbs a tree to track from on high.
    Der große Kälteeinbruch
    Bear Brown climbs a tree to track from on high.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bears großer Tag
    Bild: © DMAX