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Alaskan Bush People

USA, 2014–

Alaskan Bush People
  • Platz 11221044 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 251824.33von 33 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Alaskan Bush People"

  • (l to r) Bam Bam, Billy, Gabe, Matt, Bear and Noah Brown.
    Wieder frei
    (l to r) Bam Bam, Billy, Gabe, Matt, Bear and Noah Brown.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The Brown family. (l to r) back row: Bear, Matt, Noah, Rain, Snowbird and Bam Bam; front row: Billy, Ami and Gabe.
    Wieder frei
    The Brown family. (l to r) back row: Bear, Matt, Noah, Rain, Snowbird and Bam Bam; front row: Billy, Ami and Gabe.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • (l to r) Rain and Snowbird Brown.
    Wieder frei
    (l to r) Rain and Snowbird Brown.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Billy and Ami follow a torch-lit trail to their surprise anniversary party.
    Schwere Entscheidung
    Billy and Ami follow a torch-lit trail to their surprise anniversary party.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Matt, Gabe, and Billy raise a hammock at their campsite.
    Schwere Entscheidung
    Matt, Gabe, and Billy raise a hammock at their campsite.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Matt cleans crabs for breakfast.
    Schwere Entscheidung
    Matt cleans crabs for breakfast.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Bear Brown with two fish he caught “bear fishing” with his hands.
    Schwere Entscheidung
    Bear Brown with two fish he caught “bear fishing” with his hands.
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Schwere Entscheidung
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Bear and Matt build a fire to keep the ground from freezing.
    Gegen alle Widrigkeiten
    Bear and Matt build a fire to keep the ground from freezing.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • The Brown family on Coon Island off the coast of Alaska. Parents Billy and Ami with there children Matt, Jahua, Soloman, Gabe, Noah, Snowbird and Raindrop.
    Schwere Entscheidung
    The Brown family on Coon Island off the coast of Alaska. Parents Billy and Ami with there children Matt, Jahua, Soloman, Gabe, Noah, Snowbird and Raindrop.
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Billy and Rainy make frosting for their cake.
    Gegen alle Widrigkeiten
    Billy and Rainy make frosting for their cake.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The Brown family off the coast of Alaska. Parents Billy and Ami with there children Matt, Jahua, Soloman, Gabe, Noah, Snowbird and Raindrop.
    Gegen alle Widrigkeiten
    The Brown family off the coast of Alaska. Parents Billy and Ami with there children Matt, Jahua, Soloman, Gabe, Noah, Snowbird and Raindrop.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Young Snowbird dressed in camouflage while out on a hunt.
    Schwere Entscheidung
    Young Snowbird dressed in camouflage while out on a hunt.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Gabe looks for a caribou to hunt for part of the Brown's lumber barter.
    Gegen alle Widrigkeiten
    Gabe looks for a caribou to hunt for part of the Brown's lumber barter.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The Browns take a skiff to the island where they plan to camp.
    Schwere Entscheidung
    The Browns take a skiff to the island where they plan to camp.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Matt unloads windows for the cabin.
    Schwere Entscheidung
    Matt unloads windows for the cabin.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Matt unloads windows for the cabin.
    Gegen alle Widrigkeiten
    Matt unloads windows for the cabin.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • L-R: Matt and Bear.
    Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    L-R: Matt and Bear.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications.
  • Noah bandages Rainy's hand.
    Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    Noah bandages Rainy's hand.
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Brüder auf der Pirsch
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Matt hauls a log for the trapper shack.
    Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    Matt hauls a log for the trapper shack.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications.
  • Matt hauls a log for the trapper shack.
    Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    Matt hauls a log for the trapper shack.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications.
  • Matt hauls a log for the trapper shack.
    Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    Matt hauls a log for the trapper shack.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Bam and Noah chatting with girls at Grizzly's.
    Brüder auf der Pirsch
    Bam and Noah chatting with girls at Grizzly's.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Bear takes a quick break from building the house.
    Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    Bear takes a quick break from building the house.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Gabe gets ready for a night out with the guys.
    Aufgewachsen in der Wildnis
    Gabe gets ready for a night out with the guys.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Gabe gets ready for a night out with the guys.
    Brüder auf der Pirsch
    Gabe gets ready for a night out with the guys.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Gabe, Bird, and Rain relax on North Star Ranch.
    Die Trauminsel
    Gabe, Bird, and Rain relax on North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Snowbird Brown.
    Friss oder stirb
    Snowbird Brown.
    Bild: © Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Noah Brown.
    Ungewisse Zukunft
    Noah Brown.
    Bild: © Jason Elias / Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Noah Brown.
    Ungewisse Zukunft
    Noah Brown.
    Bild: © Jason Elias / Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Snowbird Brown.
    Friss oder stirb
    Snowbird Brown.
    Bild: © Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • L-R: Matthew and Bear Brown on dock, waiting to haul fuel drum up onto the Integrity.
    Friss oder stirb
    L-R: Matthew and Bear Brown on dock, waiting to haul fuel drum up onto the Integrity.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Matthew, Gabriel, Snowbird, Bear and Bam Bam Brown rolling fuel drums on dock.
    Friss oder stirb
    Matthew, Gabriel, Snowbird, Bear and Bam Bam Brown rolling fuel drums on dock.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel