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Alaskan Bush People

USA, 2014–

Alaskan Bush People
  • Platz 11221044 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 251824.33von 33 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Alaskan Bush People"

  • Matthew Brown and Gabriel Brown in skiff returning to the Integrity.
    Ungewisse Zukunft
    Matthew Brown and Gabriel Brown in skiff returning to the Integrity.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Pelican Bay Harbor.
    Ungewisse Zukunft
    Pelican Bay Harbor.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • On the left: Noah Brown.
    Friss oder stirb
    On the left: Noah Brown.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • (l to r) Snowbird, Ami and Rain Brown.
    Abschied von Billy Brown
    (l to r) Snowbird, Ami and Rain Brown.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Billy Brown at the family campfire.
    Auf dem Rücken der Pferde
    Billy Brown at the family campfire.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Billy Brown.
    Abschied von Billy Brown
    Billy Brown.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Bam Bam Brown.
    Alles auf eine Karte
    Bam Bam Brown.
    Bild: © Jason Elias / Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Bam Bam Brown.
    Alles auf eine Karte
    Bam Bam Brown.
    Bild: © Jason Elias / Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Noah Brown works on bicycle generator.
    Stürmische Zeiten
    Noah Brown works on bicycle generator.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Integrity boat.
    Alles auf eine Karte
    Integrity boat.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Snowbird Brown (r.) holds gun. Ami Brown (l.) and Rainy Brown (m.) standing by.
    Alles auf eine Karte
    Snowbird Brown (r.) holds gun. Ami Brown (l.) and Rainy Brown (m.) standing by.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Billy Brown.
    Stürmische Zeiten
    Billy Brown.
    Bild: © Jason Elias / Jason Elias/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Noah Brown and Matthew Brown walking toward junk cars.
    Stürmische Zeiten
    Noah Brown and Matthew Brown walking toward junk cars.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Bird and Rain Brown are happy to have returned to AK for a visit.
    Das Tauschgeschäft
    Bird and Rain Brown are happy to have returned to AK for a visit.
    Bild: © Park Slope Productions / Photobank/ 37396_ep605_009 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bear Brown is building a ladder so he can enter his old Treehouse home in Browntown.
    Rückkehr in die Wildnis
    Bear Brown is building a ladder so he can enter his old Treehouse home in Browntown.
    Bild: © Park Slope Productions / Photobank/ 37396_ep604_007 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bear Brown is building a ladder so he can enter his old Treehouse home in Browntown.
    Rückkehr in die Wildnis
    Bear Brown is building a ladder so he can enter his old Treehouse home in Browntown.
    Bild: © Park Slope Productions / Photobank/ 37396_ep604_007 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Noah and Rhain work on their home site.
    Ein Berg aus Asche
    Noah and Rhain work on their home site.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Photobank / 37396 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Noah and Rhain work on their home site.
    Ein Berg aus Asche
    Noah and Rhain work on their home site.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Photobank / 37396 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Ein Berg aus Asche
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Rain Brown and Bird Brown transfer goats.
    Das Rudel hält zusammen
    Rain Brown and Bird Brown transfer goats.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Billys letzte Geschichte
    Bild: © TVNorge
  • The Brown Family makes plans for the future of the ranch.
    Pandemie und Flammen
    The Brown Family makes plans for the future of the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe Brown works on ranch infrastructure.
    Das Rudel hält zusammen
    Gabe Brown works on ranch infrastructure.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Ein Berg aus Asche
    Bild: © Discovery Communications LLC
  • Bird Brown clowns around on the ranch.
    Pandemie und Flammen
    Bird Brown clowns around on the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Pandemie und Flammen
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / US KEY ART / Discovery Communications LLC
  • Billy Brown at the family campfire.
    Die Hand Gottes
    Billy Brown at the family campfire.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bear Brown caries a shotgun on Brown Mountain.
    Pandemie und Flammen
    Bear Brown caries a shotgun on Brown Mountain.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe Brown braves the elements working to establish North Star Ranch.
    Der Wiederaufbau
    Gabe Brown braves the elements working to establish North Star Ranch.
    Bild: © Park Slope Productions / Photobank/ 37396_ep606_011 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Billy Brown and Ami Brown relax together on the ranch.
    Das Rudel hält zusammen
    Billy Brown and Ami Brown relax together on the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Gabe and Bird Brown salvage used building materials.
    Die Hand Gottes
    Gabe and Bird Brown salvage used building materials.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Photobank / 37396 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Billy Brown and Ami Brown relax together on the ranch.
    Das Rudel hält zusammen
    Billy Brown and Ami Brown relax together on the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Billy Brown and Ami Brown relax together on the ranch.
    Das Rudel hält zusammen
    Billy Brown and Ami Brown relax together on the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bird Brown clowns around on the ranch.
    Pandemie und Flammen
    Bird Brown clowns around on the ranch.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Bam Bam Brown using sledge hammer on demolition site, Gabe Brown with hammer.
    Die liebe Familie
    Bam Bam Brown using sledge hammer on demolition site, Gabe Brown with hammer.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Matt Brown.
    Divide et impera
    Matt Brown.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. Show and Network Promotion