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Amerikas heiße Grenze

(Border Wars / The Border) 
USA, 2009–2015

Amerikas heiße Grenze
National Geographic Channel
  • 53 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 15370noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Amerikas heiße Grenze"

  • Nogales-Deconcini, Arizona, POE: U.S. Border Patrol officers start tearing open the roof of a suspected vehicle. The entire roof of the car is stuffed with wrapped Tupperware packages.
    Jenseits der Grenze
    Nogales-Deconcini, Arizona, POE: U.S. Border Patrol officers start tearing open the roof of a suspected vehicle. The entire roof of the car is stuffed with wrapped Tupperware packages.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels / NGTV
  • Rio Grande City, Texas, USA: Bundles of marijuana.
    Der Weg der Geschäfte
    Rio Grande City, Texas, USA: Bundles of marijuana.
    Bild: © NGT
  • Laredo, TX: A truck bed filled with wrapped packages that may be filled with drugs. Drug smuggling happens in small and massive quanitities.
    Die Drogen-Flut
    Laredo, TX: A truck bed filled with wrapped packages that may be filled with drugs. Drug smuggling happens in small and massive quanitities.
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection officers patrollingthe water for drug runners crossing the border.
    Eine Ladung Marihuana
    Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection officers patrollingthe water for drug runners crossing the border.
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: A fence crafted from an old military landing mat separates Tijuana from San Diego. The San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest in the world, with over 40 million people entering the U.S. through the port in 2005 alone.
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: A fence crafted from an old military landing mat separates Tijuana from San Diego. The San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest in the world, with over 40 million people entering the U.S. through the port in 2005 alone.
    Bild: © NGT
  • Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protectionagents testing the smuggled substances found in a car to determine if they are cocaine.  (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Über Land und Wasser
    Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protectionagents testing the smuggled substances found in a car to determine if they are cocaine. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents patrolling the Rio Grande and looking for runners that my be attempting to enter the country illegally.
    Eine Ladung Marihuana
    Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents patrolling the Rio Grande and looking for runners that my be attempting to enter the country illegally.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents counting confiscated money that was being smuggled to pay for the drug trade. 
(Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Ein Hurrikan als Fluchthelfer
    Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents counting confiscated money that was being smuggled to pay for the drug trade. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • Kevin Cunningham
    Über Land und Wasser
    Kevin Cunningham
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham
  • Laredo, TX: An agent painting his face in camouflage before a mission.
    Ein Hurrikan als Fluchthelfer
    Laredo, TX: An agent painting his face in camouflage before a mission.
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • . . . KCunninghamBW2-131.JPG
    . . . KCunninghamBW2-131.JPG
    Bild: © NGT
  • Kevin Cunningham
    Über Land und Wasser
    Kevin Cunningham
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham, NGT
  • Laredo, TX: A Customs and Border Proection agent patrolling oncoming traffic entering the United States.
    Die Drogen-Flut
    Laredo, TX: A Customs and Border Proection agent patrolling oncoming traffic entering the United States.
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Laredo, TX: A US Customs and Border Protection official inspecting a car with a fiberscope.
    Über Land und Wasser
    Laredo, TX: A US Customs and Border Protection official inspecting a car with a fiberscope.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • . . . KCunninghamBW2-151.JPG
    . . . KCunninghamBW2-151.JPG
    Bild: © NGT
  • Laredo, TX: A police officer leading away an arrested man.
(Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Ein Hurrikan als Fluchthelfer
    Laredo, TX: A police officer leading away an arrested man. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • Laredo, TX: Agents patrolling the waters of the Rio Grande. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Die Drogen-Flut
    Laredo, TX: Agents patrolling the waters of the Rio Grande. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Kevin Cunningham
    Über Land und Wasser
    Kevin Cunningham
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham, NGT
  • Die USA sind Grenzland. Denn im Süden befindet sich die Demarkationslinie zwischen dem reichen Westen und dem armen Süden, zwischen der so genannten Dritten Welt und den Verheißungen der Ersten Welt - hier verläuft die über 3.000 Kilometer lange Grenze zwischen den USA und Mexiko. Rund ein Drittel davon ist durch einen Hochsicherheitszaun befestigt. Die Vereinigten Staaten wollen damit verhindern, dass Migranten aus Lateinamerika illegal einreisen. Auch der Schmuggel von Drogen und Waffen soll auf diese Weise verhindert werden. Längst wird der Zaun mit der Berliner Mauer verglichen, und Organisationen wie Amnesty International üben lautstark Kritik. Da, wo keine Befestigungen errichtet sind, erstrecken sich lebensfeindliche Wüsten oder der mächtige Rio Grande. Trotzdem brechen jährlich Hunderttausende auf, um den Elendsquartieren von Mexico City oder Chihuahua zu entfliehen. Auf ihrem Weg durch die Wildnis ins Land der scheinbar unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten kommen Jahr für Jahr Hunderte
    Über Land und Wasser
    Die USA sind Grenzland. Denn im Süden befindet sich die Demarkationslinie zwischen dem reichen Westen und dem armen Süden, zwischen der so genannten Dritten Welt und den Verheißungen der Ersten Welt - hier verläuft die über 3.000 Kilometer lange Grenze zwischen den USA und Mexiko. Rund ein Drittel davon ist durch einen Hochsicherheitszaun befestigt. Die Vereinigten Staaten wollen damit verhindern, dass Migranten aus Lateinamerika illegal einreisen. Auch der Schmuggel von Drogen und Waffen soll auf diese Weise verhindert werden. Längst wird der Zaun mit der Berliner Mauer verglichen, und Organisationen wie Amnesty International üben lautstark Kritik. Da, wo keine Befestigungen errichtet sind, erstrecken sich lebensfeindliche Wüsten oder der mächtige Rio Grande. Trotzdem brechen jährlich Hunderttausende auf, um den Elendsquartieren von Mexico City oder Chihuahua zu entfliehen. Auf ihrem Weg durch die Wildnis ins Land der scheinbar unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten kommen Jahr für Jahr Hunderte
    Bild: © 2014 NGC Europe Limited, All Rights Reserved
  • . . . KCunninghamBW2-103.JPG
    . . . KCunninghamBW2-103.JPG
    Bild: © NGT
  • Kevin Cunningham
    Die Drogen-Flut
    Kevin Cunningham
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham, NGT
  • Agents hear of a group crawling through the border area on security cams, but it turns out to be a decoy move .  Another group enters at a different part of the fence and drops drugs, then runs back south.
    Agents hear of a group crawling through the border area on security cams, but it turns out to be a decoy move . Another group enters at a different part of the fence and drops drugs, then runs back south.
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGC
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them.  The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers.
    Jenseits der Grenze
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them. The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers.
    Bild: © NGTV
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents apprehend a large group of illegal immigrants who attempted to cross the San Diego-Tijuana boundary hidden in a commercial vehicle. This San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest in the world, with over 40 million people entering the U.S. through the port in 2005 alone.
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents apprehend a large group of illegal immigrants who attempted to cross the San Diego-Tijuana boundary hidden in a commercial vehicle. This San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest in the world, with over 40 million people entering the U.S. through the port in 2005 alone.
    Bild: © NGT
  • . . . KCunninghamBW2-126.JPG
    . . . KCunninghamBW2-126.JPG
    Bild: © NGT
  • Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents patrolling the terrain near the border on ATVs.
    Die Drogen-Flut
    Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents patrolling the terrain near the border on ATVs.
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Über Land und Wasser
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them. The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © 2014 NGC Europe Limited, All Rights Reserved
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents on horseback survey the area surrounding the San Ysidro port, the boundary separating San Diego from Tijuana. While these agents travel by horse, others work on foot, by car or ATV, or by helicopter to provide holistic coverage.
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents on horseback survey the area surrounding the San Ysidro port, the boundary separating San Diego from Tijuana. While these agents travel by horse, others work on foot, by car or ATV, or by helicopter to provide holistic coverage.
    Bild: © NGT / Kevin Cunningham
  • The border fence separating Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams fight to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers, and desperate migrants from entering the United States. officers
    Der Weg der Geschäfte
    The border fence separating Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams fight to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers, and desperate migrants from entering the United States. officers
    Bild: © Bob Tiwana / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection officers patrollingthe water for drug runners crossing the border. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Eine Ladung Marihuana
    Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection officers patrollingthe water for drug runners crossing the border. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • El Paso, TX: Officer Holguin and two agents counting a big pile of confiscated cash. Laundered money is one illegal item which is regularly smuggled across the border. This money would likely have been sent to a drug cartel.  
(Photo Credit: © NGT and Kevin Cunningham)
    Jenseits der Grenze
    El Paso, TX: Officer Holguin and two agents counting a big pile of confiscated cash. Laundered money is one illegal item which is regularly smuggled across the border. This money would likely have been sent to a drug cartel. (Photo Credit: © NGT and Kevin Cunningham)
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Laredo, TX: Cars lined up to get into the United States. Drugs and cash are smuggled between the United States and Mexico through cars. It is the job of the Customs and Border Protection agents to figure out which cars are apart of the smuggling trade.
    Eine Ladung Marihuana
    Laredo, TX: Cars lined up to get into the United States. Drugs and cash are smuggled between the United States and Mexico through cars. It is the job of the Customs and Border Protection agents to figure out which cars are apart of the smuggling trade.
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • El Paso, TX: Officer Holguin and two agents counting a big pile of confiscated cash. Laundered money is one illegal item which is regularly smuggled across the border. This money would likely have been sent to a drug cartel.
    Jenseits der Grenze
    El Paso, TX: Officer Holguin and two agents counting a big pile of confiscated cash. Laundered money is one illegal item which is regularly smuggled across the border. This money would likely have been sent to a drug cartel.
    Bild: © 2015 National Geographic Partners, LLC. All rights reserved. Lizenzbild frei
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Customs and border protection Officer Garcia at a  train drug bust.
(Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Jenseits der Grenze
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Customs and border protection Officer Garcia at a train drug bust. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • Über Land und Wasser
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Customs and border protection Agent Pittman practices shooting with his gun. Agents must train to prepare themselves for fights with drug smugglers and cartels. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © 2014 NGC Europe Limited, All Rights Reserved
  • Nogales, AZ: A CBP officer unloading confiscated and packaged weapons. Some of the items seized will be used to conduct research on the cartel which was running the smuggling operation.
    Jenseits der Grenze
    Nogales, AZ: A CBP officer unloading confiscated and packaged weapons. Some of the items seized will be used to conduct research on the cartel which was running the smuggling operation.
    Bild: © 2015 National Geographic Partners, LLC. All rights reserved. Lizenzbild frei