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Amerikas heiße Grenze

(Border Wars / The Border) 
USA, 2009–2015

Amerikas heiße Grenze
National Geographic Channel
  • 53 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 15370noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Amerikas heiße Grenze"

  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Border Protection Agents practice firing their weapons in a training session.
    Der Weg der Geschäfte
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Border Protection Agents practice firing their weapons in a training session.
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • Laredo, TX: Border Patrol agents find people trying to cross the border.
    Über Land und Wasser
    Laredo, TX: Border Patrol agents find people trying to cross the border.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents on horseback survey the area surrounding the San Ysidro port, the boundary separating San Diego from Tijuana. While these agents travel by horse, others work on foot, by car or ATV, or by helicopter to provide holistic coverage.
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents on horseback survey the area surrounding the San Ysidro port, the boundary separating San Diego from Tijuana. While these agents travel by horse, others work on foot, by car or ATV, or by helicopter to provide holistic coverage.
    Bild: © NGT / Kevin Cunningham
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: A customs and border protection agent loads up his weapons and gear by an armored vehicle.

(Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Jenseits der Grenze
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: A customs and border protection agent loads up his weapons and gear by an armored vehicle. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents patrolling the border on ATVs.  (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Ein Hurrikan als Fluchthelfer
    Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents patrolling the border on ATVs. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • Roma, Texas, USA: Border Patrol Agent Kellen Meador carrying large bundles of marijuana found in an abandoned house, and piling them in front of an old trailer. (Photo Credit: (NGT)
    Der Weg der Geschäfte
    Roma, Texas, USA: Border Patrol Agent Kellen Meador carrying large bundles of marijuana found in an abandoned house, and piling them in front of an old trailer. (Photo Credit: (NGT)
    Bild: © Bob Tiwana / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Über Land und Wasser
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them. The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © 2014 NGC Europe Limited, All Rights Reserved
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them.
    Der Weg der Geschäfte
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them.
    Bild: © NGTV
  • Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents riding horses along the border. Agents use different means of transportation to get through the terrain.
(Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Ein Hurrikan als Fluchthelfer
    Laredo, TX: Customs and Border Protection agents riding horses along the border. Agents use different means of transportation to get through the terrain. (Photo Credit: © NGT)
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • Über Land und Wasser
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Customs and border protection agent checks a practice target. Agents must train to prepare themselves for fights with drug smugglers and cartels. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © 2014 NGC Europe Limited, All Rights Reserved
  • Nogales, Arizona: Air & Marine Agents train to save a life. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams fight to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers, and desperate migrants from entering the United States. officers. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Der Weg der Geschäfte
    Nogales, Arizona: Air & Marine Agents train to save a life. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams fight to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers, and desperate migrants from entering the United States. officers. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © Bob Tiwana / NGT / National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Arizona: Blackhawk in Tucson, AZ. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams fight to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers, and desperate migrants from entering the United States. officers.
    Jenseits der Grenze
    Arizona: Blackhawk in Tucson, AZ. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams fight to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers, and desperate migrants from entering the United States. officers.
    Bild: © NGTV
  • San Diego, CA, USA: The Secondary Inspection Area at the Port of Entry stands as an area in which border patrol agents can perform further checks of suspicious land vehicles. Agents here find carefully concealed drugs or even people that smugglers have attempted to transport into the United States.
    Neue Kollegen
    San Diego, CA, USA: The Secondary Inspection Area at the Port of Entry stands as an area in which border patrol agents can perform further checks of suspicious land vehicles. Agents here find carefully concealed drugs or even people that smugglers have attempted to transport into the United States.
    Bild: © NGT
  • NOGALES, AZ :  A woman gets her fingerprints taken after she was caught crossing the U.S. border with Mexico illegally, at the U.S. Border Patrol processing center June 21, 2006 in Nogales, Arizona.
    NOGALES, AZ : A woman gets her fingerprints taken after she was caught crossing the U.S. border with Mexico illegally, at the U.S. Border Patrol processing center June 21, 2006 in Nogales, Arizona.
    Bild: © Spencer Platt / Getty Images
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: A group of border patrol agents survey the area near the San Ysidro crossing, the international boundary that separates San Diego from Tijuana. The more experience the agents acquire, the easier it becomes for them to determine which vehicles are smugglers hiding both illegal immigrants and people.
    Im Dunst des Verbrechens
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: A group of border patrol agents survey the area near the San Ysidro crossing, the international boundary that separates San Diego from Tijuana. The more experience the agents acquire, the easier it becomes for them to determine which vehicles are smugglers hiding both illegal immigrants and people.
    Bild: © NGT
  • San Diego, CA, USA: The Secondary Inspection Area at the Port of Entry stands as an area in which border patrol agents can perform further checks of suspicious land vehicles.
    Neue Kollegen
    San Diego, CA, USA: The Secondary Inspection Area at the Port of Entry stands as an area in which border patrol agents can perform further checks of suspicious land vehicles.
    Bild: © NGT
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents perform weapons training. Several new "breakthrough" training systems allow the user to actually train in the field under real conditions, better preparing the agents to defend themselves against potentially dangerous drug traffickers.
    Brennpunkt San Diego
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents perform weapons training. Several new "breakthrough" training systems allow the user to actually train in the field under real conditions, better preparing the agents to defend themselves against potentially dangerous drug traffickers.
    Bild: © NGT / Kevin Cunningham
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Border Patrol agents watch surveillance cameras from headquarters to monitor the border of Nogales.
    Razzia am Limit
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Border Patrol agents watch surveillance cameras from headquarters to monitor the border of Nogales.
    Bild: © NGTV
  • Grenzkämpfe
    Bild: © NGT / Kevin Cunningham
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: An Air and Marine border patrol agent prepares to board his blackhawk plane. The agent is one of thousands working to protect the San Diego-Tijuana border, one of the largest crossing areas, from illegal smuggling.
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: An Air and Marine border patrol agent prepares to board his blackhawk plane. The agent is one of thousands working to protect the San Diego-Tijuana border, one of the largest crossing areas, from illegal smuggling.
    Bild: © Kevin Cunningham / NGT / National Geographic Channels International / © NGT
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: The border fence at the San Ysidro port serves as the boundary between San Diego and Tijuana. At night, as at times when the skies are foggy, border patrol officers must take special precautions to carefully survey the area, since these are times when vision is less clear and smugglers are more likely to attempt to cross illegally.
    Brennpunkt San Diego
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: The border fence at the San Ysidro port serves as the boundary between San Diego and Tijuana. At night, as at times when the skies are foggy, border patrol officers must take special precautions to carefully survey the area, since these are times when vision is less clear and smugglers are more likely to attempt to cross illegally.
    Bild: © NGT / Kevin Cunningham
  • San Diego, CA, USA: The border fence at the San Ysidro port serves at the boundary between San Diego and Tijuana.
    Neue Kollegen
    San Diego, CA, USA: The border fence at the San Ysidro port serves at the boundary between San Diego and Tijuana.
    Bild: © NGT
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents apprehend illegal immigrants attempting to cross into this area of San Diego, California in trunks, under the dash, and in engine compartments. This San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest in the world, with over 40 million people entering the U.S. through this port in 2005 alone.
    Brennpunkt San Diego
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents apprehend illegal immigrants attempting to cross into this area of San Diego, California in trunks, under the dash, and in engine compartments. This San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest in the world, with over 40 million people entering the U.S. through this port in 2005 alone.
    Bild: © NGT / Kevin Cunningham
  • In der heutigen Folge verfolgen die Beamten des Heimatschutzministeriums illegale Einwanderer, die versuchen, die Grenze zwischen den Mexiko und den USA nahe der Stadt Nogales zu überschreiten. Sie ermitteln überdies gegen eine Bande von Betrügern und begeben sich auf die Jagd nach den Mitgliedern eines Verbrecherkartells. Dabei bekommen sie aber nur kleine Fische zu fassen. Denn die eigentlichen Drahtzieher sind nahezu unerreichbar. Erschwert wird die Arbeit der Grenzer auch noch dadurch, dass sie diesmal mitten in der Nacht agieren müssen. Doch dank ihrer High-Tech-Ausrüstung ist vieles möglich. So kreist in sechs Kilometern Höhe ein mit Spezialkameras ausgerüstetes Flugzeug und beobachtet die Grenzregion.
    In der heutigen Folge verfolgen die Beamten des Heimatschutzministeriums illegale Einwanderer, die versuchen, die Grenze zwischen den Mexiko und den USA nahe der Stadt Nogales zu überschreiten. Sie ermitteln überdies gegen eine Bande von Betrügern und begeben sich auf die Jagd nach den Mitgliedern eines Verbrecherkartells. Dabei bekommen sie aber nur kleine Fische zu fassen. Denn die eigentlichen Drahtzieher sind nahezu unerreichbar. Erschwert wird die Arbeit der Grenzer auch noch dadurch, dass sie diesmal mitten in der Nacht agieren müssen. Doch dank ihrer High-Tech-Ausrüstung ist vieles möglich. So kreist in sechs Kilometern Höhe ein mit Spezialkameras ausgerüstetes Flugzeug und beobachtet die Grenzregion.
    Bild: © NGT
  • Falfurrias, Texas: A Border Patrol canine on duty is always ready to work.
    Neue Kollegen
    Falfurrias, Texas: A Border Patrol canine on duty is always ready to work.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels / NGT
  • Razzia am Limit
    Bild: © NGTV
  • Razzia am Limit
    Bild: © NGTV
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents conduct a "fast boat drill" on the water near the San Diego-Tijuana border. In 2009, with heightened land enforcement fueling human smuggling by sea, the border patrol introduced this fast, 43-foot boat for pursuit of high-speed vehicles.
    Neue Kollegen
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Border patrol agents conduct a "fast boat drill" on the water near the San Diego-Tijuana border. In 2009, with heightened land enforcement fueling human smuggling by sea, the border patrol introduced this fast, 43-foot boat for pursuit of high-speed vehicles.
    Bild: © NGT / Kevin Cunningham
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them.  The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers.
    Razzia am Limit
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them. The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers.
    Bild: © NGTV
  • Razzia am Limit
    Bild: © 2015 National Geographic Partners, LLC. All rights reserved. Lizenzbild frei
  • Nogales, Arizona: Supervisory Border Patrol agent William Ortiz. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams fight to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers, and desperate migrants from entering the United States. officers.
    Illegale Einreise
    Nogales, Arizona: Supervisory Border Patrol agent William Ortiz. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams fight to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers, and desperate migrants from entering the United States. officers.
    Bild: © NGTV
  • SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: A border patrol agent surveys the international boundary that separates San Diego from Tijuana. This San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest in the world, with over 40 million people entering the U.S. through this port in 2005 alone.
    SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: A border patrol agent surveys the international boundary that separates San Diego from Tijuana. This San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest in the world, with over 40 million people entering the U.S. through this port in 2005 alone.
    Bild: © NGT
  • Rio Grande Valley, Texas: Border Patrol Agent Rolando Puente rewards his canine partner with a toy after apprehending illegal immigrants in the brush.
    Razzia am Limit
    Rio Grande Valley, Texas: Border Patrol Agent Rolando Puente rewards his canine partner with a toy after apprehending illegal immigrants in the brush.
    Bild: © National Geographic Channels
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them.  The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers.  (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them. The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © NGT
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Border Patrol agents on ATVs through the rugged terrain.
    Illegale Einreise
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Border Patrol agents on ATVs through the rugged terrain.
    Bild: © National Geographic
  • Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them.  The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers.  (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Nogales, Arizona, USA: Air & Marine blackhawk heliocopter. Immigrants trying the cross the border can be spotted from the air. When they are in danger of getting lost and dying of dehydration, Customs and border protection agents must find and save them. The blackhawk heliocopters are also used to find drug smugglers. (Photo credit: © NGTV)
    Bild: © NGT