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Die Katzenretter - Einsatz in der Baumkrone

(Treetop Cat Rescue) 
USA, 2015

Die Katzenretter - Einsatz in der Baumkrone
Animal Planet/Screenshot
  • 30 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 28159noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Die Katzenretter - Einsatz in der Baumkrone"

  • Using a stuffed cat, Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper way to hold a cat during a rescue.
    Folge 4
    Using a stuffed cat, Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper way to hold a cat during a rescue.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Using a stuffed cat, Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper way to hold a cat during a rescue.
    Folge 4
    Using a stuffed cat, Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper way to hold a cat during a rescue.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • After a harrowing rescue, Shaun Sears and Tom Otto are able to return a scared feline to her owner.
    Folge 2
    After a harrowing rescue, Shaun Sears and Tom Otto are able to return a scared feline to her owner.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Cat on the tree.
    Folge 1
    Cat on the tree.
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • Cat on the tree.
    Folge 1
    Cat on the tree.
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • A shaken Indy appears happy to be reunited with her canine sibling.
    Folge 3
    A shaken Indy appears happy to be reunited with her canine sibling.
    Bild: © Animal Planet / Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • A shaken Indy appears happy to be reunited with her canine sibling.
    Folge 3
    A shaken Indy appears happy to be reunited with her canine sibling.
    Bild: © Animal Planet / Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • A shaken Indy appears happy to be reunited with her canine sibling.
    Folge 3
    A shaken Indy appears happy to be reunited with her canine sibling.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.