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Die Katzenretter - Einsatz in der Baumkrone

(Treetop Cat Rescue) 
USA, 2015

Die Katzenretter - Einsatz in der Baumkrone
Animal Planet/Screenshot
  • 30 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 28159noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Die Katzenretter - Einsatz in der Baumkrone"

  • Shaun Sears holds Snow in a cat bag, presents him to the Heinrich family: Peter, Angie, Aden and Zane.
    Folge 8
    Shaun Sears holds Snow in a cat bag, presents him to the Heinrich family: Peter, Angie, Aden and Zane.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Shaun Sears holds Snow in a cat bag, presents him to the Heinrich family: Peter, Angie, Aden and Zane.
    Folge 8
    Shaun Sears holds Snow in a cat bag, presents him to the Heinrich family: Peter, Angie, Aden and Zane.
    Bild: © Discoverz / Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Cat
    Folge 7
    Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Discovery Family)
  • Shaun Sears holds a safely rescued Indy while chatting with Tom Otto and owner, Tricia Joy.
    Folge 6
    Shaun Sears holds a safely rescued Indy while chatting with Tom Otto and owner, Tricia Joy.
    Bild: © Discoverz / Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Shaun Sears and Tom Otto stand next to Gala and Tim Willing as they stare up at rogue kitty, Tigger.
    Folge 5
    Shaun Sears and Tom Otto stand next to Gala and Tim Willing as they stare up at rogue kitty, Tigger.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Kristal Tost cuddles Fuzz as he slowly  begins to relax.
    Folge 7
    Kristal Tost cuddles Fuzz as he slowly begins to relax.
    Bild: © Discoverz / Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Kristal Tost cuddles Fuzz as he slowly  begins to relax.
    Folge 7
    Kristal Tost cuddles Fuzz as he slowly begins to relax.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Folge 7
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Folge 7
    die Katze auf dem Baum
    Bild: © Animal Planet/Discovery Channel
  • Tom Otto gets closer to Indy, standing at eye level so as to assess her mood.
    Folge 6
    Tom Otto gets closer to Indy, standing at eye level so as to assess her mood.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Folge 9
    Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Animal Planet)
  • Mochi strikes a different pose amidst the foliage.
    Folge 9
    Mochi strikes a different pose amidst the foliage.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Nearly forty feet up a tree, Shaun Sears reaches for Simons.
    Folge 9
    Nearly forty feet up a tree, Shaun Sears reaches for Simons.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Using a stuffed cat, Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper way to hold a cat during a rescue.
    Folge 10
    Using a stuffed cat, Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper way to hold a cat during a rescue.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper holding motions for cat catching to Diane and Christy McIntosh.
    Folge 9
    Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper holding motions for cat catching to Diane and Christy McIntosh.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Shaun Sears and Valerie and son, Kalen Kelly stare up at Pepper stranded in a tree.
    Folge 10
    Shaun Sears and Valerie and son, Kalen Kelly stare up at Pepper stranded in a tree.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • A trapped and confused Ruby is visible in the darkness.
    Folge 10
    A trapped and confused Ruby is visible in the darkness.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Shaun Sears, on a rescue mission, hangs from ropes in a tree.
    Folge 9
    Shaun Sears, on a rescue mission, hangs from ropes in a tree.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • A fearful Fuzz, peers down from his perch, 40 feet up a tree.
    Folge 10
    A fearful Fuzz, peers down from his perch, 40 feet up a tree.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Tom Otto managed to save the frightened cat.
    Folge 2
    Tom Otto managed to save the frightened cat.
    Bild: © Animal Planet
  • Tom Otto comforts a recently rescued feline, Willie, in a tree.
    Folge 1
    Tom Otto comforts a recently rescued feline, Willie, in a tree.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Tom Otto greift Indy.
    Folge 4
    Tom Otto greift Indy.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Shaun Sears watching as Tom Otto gently maneuvers the timid feline into the kitty crate.
    Folge 2
    Shaun Sears watching as Tom Otto gently maneuvers the timid feline into the kitty crate.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Shaun Sears watching as Tom Otto gently maneuvers the timid feline into the kitty crate.
    Folge 2
    Shaun Sears watching as Tom Otto gently maneuvers the timid feline into the kitty crate.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The neighborhood group stares up into the trees, observing Shaun embarking the "Snow" rescue.
    Folge 3
    The neighborhood group stares up into the trees, observing Shaun embarking the "Snow" rescue.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Shaun Sears is ascending a fir tree in the black of the night.
    Folge 2
    Shaun Sears is ascending a fir tree in the black of the night.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • eine Katze auf dem Baum
    Folge 2
    eine Katze auf dem Baum
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Folge 1
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Kristyna Willers, Julie Bartlett, Carol Cuddy and Tom Otto hold a sheet open in case a cat falls in their direction.
    Folge 1
    Kristyna Willers, Julie Bartlett, Carol Cuddy and Tom Otto hold a sheet open in case a cat falls in their direction.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Tom Otto, having dismounted his motorcycle introduces himself to the Elsner family.
    Folge 1
    Tom Otto, having dismounted his motorcycle introduces himself to the Elsner family.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Anxious family members hold open a sheet in case their precious cat comes careening out of a tree.
    Folge 1
    Anxious family members hold open a sheet in case their precious cat comes careening out of a tree.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Using a stuffed cat, Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper way to hold a cat during a rescue.
    Folge 4
    Using a stuffed cat, Shaun Sears demonstrates the proper way to hold a cat during a rescue.
    Bild: © Animal Planet / Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Shaun Sears joyfully carries Hanna out of the woods.
    Folge 1
    Shaun Sears joyfully carries Hanna out of the woods.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Shaun Sears joyfully carries Hanna out of the woods.
    Folge 4
    Shaun Sears joyfully carries Hanna out of the woods.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • Shaun Sears joyfully carries Hanna out of the woods.
    Folge 1
    Shaun Sears joyfully carries Hanna out of the woods.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, Inc.
  • A charming view of Mow Mow's undercarriage as he sits on a branch.
    Folge 3
    A charming view of Mow Mow's undercarriage as he sits on a branch.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only