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Holzfäller extrem

(Swamp Loggers) 
USA, 2009–2012

Holzfäller extrem
Terry Pratt/Discovery Channel
  • 88 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 25599noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Holzfäller extrem"

  • Equipment in use.
    Tückischer Morast
    Equipment in use.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The logging team led by Bobby Goodson begins the home stretch on the dreaded 421. But the problems that accumulate risk making them finish sooner than expected !.
    Harte Zeiten
    The logging team led by Bobby Goodson begins the home stretch on the dreaded 421. But the problems that accumulate risk making them finish sooner than expected !.
    Bild: © Terry Pratt / Discovery Channel / Photoban 18334_Swamp Loggers 012 / Discovery Communications
  • David Mueller- Swamp crew.
    Tückischer Morast
    David Mueller- Swamp crew.
    Bild: © Terry Pratt / Discovery Channel / Photobank 18334_Swamp Loggers 01 / Discovery Communications
  • Logging in the swamps
    Schuften im Schlamm
    Logging in the swamps
    Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Phil Schermeister /Corbis)
  • Bobby Goodson recieving news on the phone.
    Schuften im Schlamm
    Bobby Goodson recieving news on the phone.
    Bild: © Terry Pratt / Discovery Channel / Photobank 21326_SL114-5.jpg / Discovery Communications
  • Bobby Goodson recieving news on the phone.
    Schuften im Schlamm
    Bobby Goodson recieving news on the phone.
    Bild: © Terry Pratt / Discovery Channel / Photobank 21326_SL114-5.jpg / Discovery Communications
  • Justin & Bobby take a break to remain hydrated in the heat.
    Schuften im Schlamm
    Justin & Bobby take a break to remain hydrated in the heat.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only