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Holzfäller extrem

(Swamp Loggers) 
USA, 2009–2012

Holzfäller extrem
Terry Pratt/Discovery Channel
  • 88 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 25599noch keine Wertungeigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Holzfäller extrem"

  • Workers chipping as seen on episode six Ice Loggers of Extreme Loggers.
    Der Rookie
    Workers chipping as seen on episode six Ice Loggers of Extreme Loggers.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Der Rookie
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Alarmstufe Rot
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Alarmstufe Rot
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • - Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Alarmstufe Rot
    - Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Alarmstufe Rot
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Rudy Pelletier (in blue sweatshirt) and a logging truck with 275,000 pounds of timber driven by Lester Dube on a worksite at the Pelletier's vast logging operation in Northern Maine.
    Jeder gegen Jeden
    Rudy Pelletier (in blue sweatshirt) and a logging truck with 275,000 pounds of timber driven by Lester Dube on a worksite at the Pelletier's vast logging operation in Northern Maine.
    Bild: © David McLain/Aurora / Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications LLC.
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bloß kein Regen!
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bloß kein Regen!
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Der Markt ist unberechenbar. Bobby Goodson ist zwar schon seit einer halben Ewigkeit im Holzgeschäft tätig, doch auch er kann nicht vorhersehen, ob die Preise steigen oder fallen werden. Klassisches Bauholz ist bei den Sägewerken gerade nicht besonders gefragt und wird nur in geringen Mengen aufgekauft. Hier gilt die Devise: Wer zuerst kommt, malt zuerst. Das bedeutet, dass Bobbys Männer schnell sein müssen, sonst bleiben sie auf dem Rohstoff sitzen.
    Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst
    Der Markt ist unberechenbar. Bobby Goodson ist zwar schon seit einer halben Ewigkeit im Holzgeschäft tätig, doch auch er kann nicht vorhersehen, ob die Preise steigen oder fallen werden. Klassisches Bauholz ist bei den Sägewerken gerade nicht besonders gefragt und wird nur in geringen Mengen aufgekauft. Hier gilt die Devise: Wer zuerst kommt, malt zuerst. Das bedeutet, dass Bobbys Männer schnell sein müssen, sonst bleiben sie auf dem Rohstoff sitzen.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Der Markt ist unberechenbar. Bobby Goodson ist zwar schon seit einer halben Ewigkeit im Holzgeschäft tätig, doch auch er kann nicht vorhersehen, ob die Preise steigen oder fallen werden. Klassisches Bauholz ist bei den Sägewerken gerade nicht besonders gefragt und wird nur in geringen Mengen aufgekauft. Hier gilt die Devise: Wer zuerst kommt, malt zuerst. Das bedeutet, dass Bobbys Männer schnell sein müssen, sonst bleiben sie auf dem Rohstoff sitzen.
    Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst
    Der Markt ist unberechenbar. Bobby Goodson ist zwar schon seit einer halben Ewigkeit im Holzgeschäft tätig, doch auch er kann nicht vorhersehen, ob die Preise steigen oder fallen werden. Klassisches Bauholz ist bei den Sägewerken gerade nicht besonders gefragt und wird nur in geringen Mengen aufgekauft. Hier gilt die Devise: Wer zuerst kommt, malt zuerst. Das bedeutet, dass Bobbys Männer schnell sein müssen, sonst bleiben sie auf dem Rohstoff sitzen.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bloß kein Regen!
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • EJ enjoying some practice shots.
    Wie der Vater, so der Sohn
    EJ enjoying some practice shots.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Wie der Vater, so der Sohn
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Bobby gets a briefing as they prepare to work on his teeth.
    Sorge um Bo
    Bobby gets a briefing as they prepare to work on his teeth.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Justin helping Bobby get the blow torch lit.
    Wie der Vater, so der Sohn
    Justin helping Bobby get the blow torch lit.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • The boys attending a hunting safety briefing on their day off.
    Wie der Vater, so der Sohn
    The boys attending a hunting safety briefing on their day off.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Wie der Vater, so der Sohn
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Joy's husband, Buddy, prepares the food for Bo's fundraiser.
    Sorge um Bo
    Joy's husband, Buddy, prepares the food for Bo's fundraiser.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Schleichwege
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • - Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    - Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Fourth generation logger Bobby Goodson is one of the rare breed of swamp-loggers working the murky, dangerous swamps of North Carolina in search of high value timber for everything from paper products to construction grade lumber.
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. EMEA/UK Editorial Use Only
  • Wintereinbruch
    Bild: © Discovery Communications / For Show Promotion Only
  • Wintereinbruch
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Zu viel ist zu viel
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Mit halber Kraft
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Mit halber Kraft
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Mit halber Kraft
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Licht und Schatten
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Licht und Schatten
    Bild: © Copyright: Discovery Communications, Inc. For Show Promotion Only
  • Ax men Season2 Clash of the Titans, Ax Men Staffel2 Aufholjagd
Logger walking on a log next to red carriage..
    Schlamm im Getriebe
    Ax men Season2 Clash of the Titans, Ax Men Staffel2 Aufholjagd Logger walking on a log next to red carriage..
    Bild: © DMAX