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Expedition ins Unbekannte

(Expedition Unknown) 
USA, 2015–

Expedition ins Unbekannte
  • Platz 1983244 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 267654.50von 12 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Expedition ins Unbekannte"

  • Josh Gates steering a chariot dressed as a Roman centurion in Amman, Jordan.
    Die Kupferrolle und der Wüstenschatz
    Josh Gates steering a chariot dressed as a Roman centurion in Amman, Jordan.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications / Ben Boyle
  • Die Kupferrolle und der Wüstenschatz
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Der letzte Nazi-Code
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates examining the Copper Scroll in the Jordan Museum.
    Der letzte Nazi-Code
    Josh Gates examining the Copper Scroll in the Jordan Museum.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates
    Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Photobank 36409_ep502_019.JPG / Discovery Communications
  • Francois and Yvan Crolet sit down with Josh Gates to explain where they believe the Golden Owl is buried at a café in Lux-La-Croix-Haute, France.
    Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
    Francois and Yvan Crolet sit down with Josh Gates to explain where they believe the Golden Owl is buried at a café in Lux-La-Croix-Haute, France.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates
    Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Photobank 36409_ep502_019.JPG / Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates talks with  archaeologist Jose Ignacio Gallego at an ancient Tiwanku site.
    Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
    Josh Gates talks with archaeologist Jose Ignacio Gallego at an ancient Tiwanku site.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates
    Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
    Josh Gates
  • Josh Gates in Belize
    Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
    Josh Gates in Belize
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Josh Gates strapped to a zip line over a gorge outside of Mittenwald, Germany.
    Auf der Suche nach der Weltkriegs-Pilotin
    Josh Gates strapped to a zip line over a gorge outside of Mittenwald, Germany.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates
    Auf der Suche nach der Weltkriegs-Pilotin
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Nicole Gormley / Discovery Communications LLC.
  • Josh Gates and the crew head towards their next destination by boat on Lake Titicaca.
    Auf der Suche nach der Weltkriegs-Pilotin
    Josh Gates and the crew head towards their next destination by boat on Lake Titicaca.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Auf der Suche nach der Weltkriegs-Pilotin
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates
    Das Schiffswrack der Great Lakes
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Josh Gates sitting in a P-51 Mustang with his headset on in Southern California.
    Auf der Suche nach der Weltkriegs-Pilotin
    Josh Gates sitting in a P-51 Mustang with his headset on in Southern California.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications / Ben Boyle
  • Josh Gates investigates the Essenes people with Dr. Oren Gutfeld of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Qumran in the West Bank.
    Auf der Suche nach der Weltkriegs-Pilotin
    Josh Gates investigates the Essenes people with Dr. Oren Gutfeld of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Qumran in the West Bank.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • The Golden Owl sits near Rochefort, France waiting for someone to trade the buried bronze owl for it.
    Die Jagd nach der Goldenen Eule
    The Golden Owl sits near Rochefort, France waiting for someone to trade the buried bronze owl for it.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Communications
  • The Golden Owl sits near Rochefort, France waiting for someone to trade the buried bronze owl for it.
    Die Jagd nach der Goldenen Eule
    The Golden Owl sits near Rochefort, France waiting for someone to trade the buried bronze owl for it.
    Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Discovery Communications)
  • Josh Gates
    Die Jagd nach der Goldenen Eule
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Nicole Gormley / Discovery Communications LLC.
  • Josh Gates
    Die Jagd nach der Goldenen Eule
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Die Jagd nach der Goldenen Eule
    Bild: © Ben Boyle/Discovery Channel / Photobank 36409_ep504_011 / Discovery Communications
  • Die Jagd nach der Goldenen Eule
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Josh Gates and Director of Photography Brian Weed filming the tombs beneath the Church of the Nativity as Biblical Scholar Haytham Dieck watches in Bethlehem, West Bank.
    Der verschollene Goldschatz von Schottland
    Josh Gates and Director of Photography Brian Weed filming the tombs beneath the Church of the Nativity as Biblical Scholar Haytham Dieck watches in Bethlehem, West Bank.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates
    Der verschollene Goldschatz von Schottland
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates has a pow-wow with Brien Foerster, Gustavo Morales, and the Uros island locals.
    Der verschollene Goldschatz von Schottland
    Josh Gates has a pow-wow with Brien Foerster, Gustavo Morales, and the Uros island locals.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Explorer Pete Kelsey and Josh Gates discover a WWII oxygen tank in Santa Monica Bay.
    Der verschollene Goldschatz von Schottland
    Explorer Pete Kelsey and Josh Gates discover a WWII oxygen tank in Santa Monica Bay.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle/Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Historic sites in Edinburgh, Scotland.
    Der verschollene Goldschatz von Schottland
    Historic sites in Edinburgh, Scotland.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Communications
  • Der verschollene Goldschatz von Schottland
    Verdens myter og mysterier.
    Bild: © Telefónica de España/Discovery channel
  • Der verschollene Goldschatz von Schottland
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Das Geheimnis des Kristallschädels
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Photobank 36409_ep501_017.jpg / Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates admires El Cementenerio General in La Paz.
    Das Atlantis der Anden
    Josh Gates admires El Cementenerio General in La Paz.
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Tiwanaku Ruins in Bolivia, Tiwanaku is a ruined ancient city near Lake Titicaca in western Bolivia.
    Das Atlantis der Anden
    Tiwanaku Ruins in Bolivia, Tiwanaku is a ruined ancient city near Lake Titicaca in western Bolivia.
    Bild: © Tele 5
  • Das Atlantis der Anden
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Photobank 36409_ep502_008.JPG / Discovery Communications
  • Gate of the Sun - Tiwanaku - Bolivia
    Das Atlantis der Anden
    Gate of the Sun - Tiwanaku - Bolivia
    Bild: © Shutterstock / Shutterstock / Copyright (c) 2019 Adwo/Shutterstock. No use without permission.