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Expedition ins Unbekannte

(Expedition Unknown) 
USA, 2015–

Expedition ins Unbekannte
  • Platz 1983244 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 267654.50von 12 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Expedition ins Unbekannte"

  • Josh Gates drives a golf cart around Gasparilla Island in Florida, named after the legendary pirate, Jose Gaspar.
    Der Piratenschatz von Florida
    Josh Gates drives a golf cart around Gasparilla Island in Florida, named after the legendary pirate, Jose Gaspar.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury /Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh shakes hands with Maasai Chief Batnoti Tipileit outside the Maasai village in Tanzania, Africa.
    Das Geheimnis unserer Existenz (Teil 1)
    Josh shakes hands with Maasai Chief Batnoti Tipileit outside the Maasai village in Tanzania, Africa.
    Bild: © Nicole Gormley / Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates sits in the PC1201 submarine by the shores of Lake Michigan.
    Die Jesus-Mysterien
    Josh Gates sits in the PC1201 submarine by the shores of Lake Michigan.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications / Ben Boyle
  • Josh Gates examines a potential victim of ?El Cupacabra?
    Jagd nach dem Chupacabra
    Josh Gates examines a potential victim of ?El Cupacabra?
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury / Photobank;36752_016.JPG / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates examines a potential victim of “El Cupacabra”
    Jagd nach dem Chupacabra
    Josh Gates examines a potential victim of “El Cupacabra”
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • The Secret: Die Schatzsuche geht weiter
    Bild: © DMAX Italia
  • Josh Gates searches for a treasure from the book The Secret in Golden Gate Park of San Francisco, California.
    The Secret: Die Schatzsuche geht weiter
    Josh Gates searches for a treasure from the book The Secret in Golden Gate Park of San Francisco, California.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • L-R: Josh Gates and Dr. Richard Hansen at the Temple of the Jaguar Paw Ruins in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Jagd nach den Schlangenkönigen
    L-R: Josh Gates and Dr. Richard Hansen at the Temple of the Jaguar Paw Ruins in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates examines artifacts from the Dyatlov Pass Incident with historian Yuri Kuntsevich
    Expedition in den Tod (Teil 1)
    Josh Gates examines artifacts from the Dyatlov Pass Incident with historian Yuri Kuntsevich
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Aerial footage of the Basilica of the Annunciation over the old city houses of Nazareth
    Die Jesus-Mysterien
    Aerial footage of the Basilica of the Annunciation over the old city houses of Nazareth
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Stan Smith (l.); Josh Gates (r.)
    Plummers Gold
    Stan Smith (l.); Josh Gates (r.)
    Bild: © 2016, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved. Lizenzbild frei