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Expedition ins Unbekannte

(Expedition Unknown) 
USA, 2015–

Expedition ins Unbekannte
  • Platz 1983244 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 267654.50von 12 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Expedition ins Unbekannte"

  • EL TATIO GEYSER FIELD, ATACAMA DESERT, CHILE, MAY 5 2017: Unknown host Josh Gates and scientist Carolina Munoz-Saez (PHD Earth & Planetary Science, currently at the University of Chile) and J.R Stok (PHD Geological Sciences, Mars Geologist, SETI Institute) discuss the silimarities between earth and Mars' geysers in El Tatio Geyser field in the Chilean Andes in the Atacama desert, the driest non-polar desert in the world, whose soil has been compared to that of Mars, owing to its otherworldly appearance, but also because bacteries and rocks at El Tatio are believed to be similar to the ones in Mars' old geysers, prompting scientist to study them in order to better understand Mars' geology and plan future missions to the red planet. El Tatio geyser field is located at 4,320 meters (14,400 feet) in the Andes Mountains of northern Chile. Its name comes from the Quechua word for oven. It is among the highest-elevation geyser fields in the world. El Tatio has over 80 active geysers, making it the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world.
    Schatzsuche in Ecuador
    EL TATIO GEYSER FIELD, ATACAMA DESERT, CHILE, MAY 5 2017: Unknown host Josh Gates and scientist Carolina Munoz-Saez (PHD Earth & Planetary Science, currently at the University of Chile) and J.R Stok (PHD Geological Sciences, Mars Geologist, SETI Institute) discuss the silimarities between earth and Mars' geysers in El Tatio Geyser field in the Chilean Andes in the Atacama desert, the driest non-polar desert in the world, whose soil has been compared to that of Mars, owing to its otherworldly appearance, but also because bacteries and rocks at El Tatio are believed to be similar to the ones in Mars' old geysers, prompting scientist to study them in order to better understand Mars' geology and plan future missions to the red planet. El Tatio geyser field is located at 4,320 meters (14,400 feet) in the Andes Mountains of northern Chile. Its name comes from the Quechua word for oven. It is among the highest-elevation geyser fields in the world. El Tatio has over 80 active geysers, making it the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world.
    Bild: © Gilles Mingasson / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates
    Die verschwundene Beute des Butch Cassidy
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Josh Gates poses in front of stunning rock formations at Arches National Park, Utah, as seen on Travel Channel's Expedition Unknown.
    Die verschwundene Beute des Butch Cassidy
    Josh Gates poses in front of stunning rock formations at Arches National Park, Utah, as seen on Travel Channel's Expedition Unknown.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Scripps - Focus - TEXU404_288816 / © 2017, The Travel Channel, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates poses in front of stunning rock formations at Arches National Park, Utah, as seen on Travel Channel's Expedition Unknown.
    Die verschwundene Beute des Butch Cassidy
    Josh Gates poses in front of stunning rock formations at Arches National Park, Utah, as seen on Travel Channel's Expedition Unknown.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Scripps - Focus - TEXU404_288816 / © 2017, The Travel Channel, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates, Victor Mendoza, and Stanley Guenter analyze a Mayan dynastic vase at the National Museum of Archeology in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
    Die Pyramide der Legenden
    Josh Gates, Victor Mendoza, and Stanley Guenter analyze a Mayan dynastic vase at the National Museum of Archeology in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Dr. Richard Hansen, Josh Gates, and Bob Leonard watch Robert Leonard examine the steps of an ancient Mayan structure with a GPR device in Guatemala.
    Die Pyramide der Legenden
    Dr. Richard Hansen, Josh Gates, and Bob Leonard watch Robert Leonard examine the steps of an ancient Mayan structure with a GPR device in Guatemala.
    Bild: © Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates, Epigrapher Stanley Guenter, and Victor Mendoza admire a snake emblem hieroglyph at the National Museum of Archeology in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
    Die Pyramide der Legenden
    Josh Gates, Epigrapher Stanley Guenter, and Victor Mendoza admire a snake emblem hieroglyph at the National Museum of Archeology in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • A Mayan dynastic vase from El Mirador located at the National Museum of Archeology in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
    Die Pyramide der Legenden
    A Mayan dynastic vase from El Mirador located at the National Museum of Archeology in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates and Dr. Richard Hansen looking at large hieroglyphs at the Temple of the Jaguar Paw Ruins in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Die Pyramide der Legenden
    Josh Gates and Dr. Richard Hansen looking at large hieroglyphs at the Temple of the Jaguar Paw Ruins in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates in the Temple of the Jaguar Paw Ruins in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Die Pyramide der Legenden
    Josh Gates in the Temple of the Jaguar Paw Ruins in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • A man picks plants on the Seychelles Islands.
    Der Piratenschatz im Indischen Ozean
    A man picks plants on the Seychelles Islands.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates
    Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Stonehenge
    Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Bild: © CC0 Creative Commons Darmowy do u?ytku komercyjnego Nie wymaga przypisania
  • Josh Gates contemplates the Dyatlov Pass Memorial.
    Expedition in den Tod (Teil 2)
    Josh Gates contemplates the Dyatlov Pass Memorial.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury / Photobank 36752_ep618_019 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Expedition Unknown host Josh Gates.
    Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Expedition Unknown host Josh Gates.
    Bild: © Gilles Mingasson / 36047_TETH_101H_0276 / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh admires the ruins of the Temple of Claudius which Boudica and her army destroyed and killed the residents in Colchester, England.
    Der Schatz der Keltenkönigin
    Josh admires the ruins of the Temple of Claudius which Boudica and her army destroyed and killed the residents in Colchester, England.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates plummets into the darkness of an ancient Egyptian tomb.
    Das Geheimnis der ägyptischen Grabkammer
    Josh Gates plummets into the darkness of an ancient Egyptian tomb.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • In a recreation, La Buse points his gun in the pirate paradise of the Indian Ocean.
    Der Piratenschatz im Indischen Ozean
    In a recreation, La Buse points his gun in the pirate paradise of the Indian Ocean.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Ancient Egyptian mummy body preserved by mummification
    Das Geheimnis der ägyptischen Grabkammer
    Ancient Egyptian mummy body preserved by mummification
    Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Ttatty / Shutterstock)
  • Der Piratenschatz im Indischen Ozean
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • EL TATIO GEYSER FIELD, ATACAMA DESERT, CHILE, MAY 5 2017: Unknown host Josh Gates and scientist Carolina Munoz-Saez (PHD Earth & Planetary Science, currently at the University of Chile) and J.R Stok (PHD Geological Sciences, Mars Geologist, SETI Institute) discuss the silimarities between earth and Mars' geysers in El Tatio Geyser field in the Chilean Andes in the Atacama desert, the driest non-polar desert in the world, whose soil has been compared to that of Mars, owing to its otherworldly appearance, but also because bacteries and rocks at El Tatio are believed to be similar to the ones in Mars' old geysers, prompting scientist to study them in order to better understand Mars' geology and plan future missions to the red planet. El Tatio geyser field is located at 4,320 meters (14,400 feet) in the Andes Mountains of northern Chile. Its name comes from the Quechua word for oven. It is among the highest-elevation geyser fields in the world. El Tatio has over 80 active geysers, making it the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world.
    Das Geheimnis
    EL TATIO GEYSER FIELD, ATACAMA DESERT, CHILE, MAY 5 2017: Unknown host Josh Gates and scientist Carolina Munoz-Saez (PHD Earth & Planetary Science, currently at the University of Chile) and J.R Stok (PHD Geological Sciences, Mars Geologist, SETI Institute) discuss the silimarities between earth and Mars' geysers in El Tatio Geyser field in the Chilean Andes in the Atacama desert, the driest non-polar desert in the world, whose soil has been compared to that of Mars, owing to its otherworldly appearance, but also because bacteries and rocks at El Tatio are believed to be similar to the ones in Mars' old geysers, prompting scientist to study them in order to better understand Mars' geology and plan future missions to the red planet. El Tatio geyser field is located at 4,320 meters (14,400 feet) in the Andes Mountains of northern Chile. Its name comes from the Quechua word for oven. It is among the highest-elevation geyser fields in the world. El Tatio has over 80 active geysers, making it the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world.
    Bild: © Gilles Mingasson / 36047_TETH_101H_0095 / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh, speleologist Matthieu Balanger, and treasure hunter Emmanuel Mezino travel to the Piton de la Fournaise volcano on R√©union Island to look for La Buse‚Äôs treasure.
    Der Piratenschatz im Indischen Ozean
    Josh, speleologist Matthieu Balanger, and treasure hunter Emmanuel Mezino travel to the Piton de la Fournaise volcano on Réunion Island to look for La Buse’s treasure.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Expedition Unknown host Josh Gates.
    Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Expedition Unknown host Josh Gates.
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • At the Norwich Museum, Josh meets with Iceni expert John Davies to learn more about the Iceni culture, including their sophisticated goldwork.
    Der Schatz der Keltenkönigin
    At the Norwich Museum, Josh meets with Iceni expert John Davies to learn more about the Iceni culture, including their sophisticated goldwork.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Stonehenge
    Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Bild: © Free for commercial use No attribution required
  • Josh and treasure hunter Tyrone Leech sail to Mammeles Island in the Indian Ocean to look for La Buse‚Äôs treasure.
    Der Piratenschatz im Indischen Ozean
    Josh and treasure hunter Tyrone Leech sail to Mammeles Island in the Indian Ocean to look for La Buse’s treasure.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Der Piratenschatz im Indischen Ozean
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Stonehenge
    Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Bild: © Free for commercial use No attribution required
  • Josh Gates.
    Das Geheimnis
    Josh Gates.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Stonehenge
    Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Bild: © Free for commercial use No attribution required
  • Stonehenges Ursprünge
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved./Sima Diab/Sima Diab
  • Josh Gates contemplates the Dyatlov Pass Memorial.
    Expedition in den Tod (Teil 2)
    Josh Gates contemplates the Dyatlov Pass Memorial.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury / Photobank 36752_ep618_019 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Das Geheimnis
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved./Gilles Mingasson/Gilles Mingasson
  • EL TATIO GEYSER FIELD, ATACAMA DESERT, CHILE, MAY 5 2017: Unknown host Josh Gates and scientist Carolina Munoz-Saez (PHD Earth & Planetary Science, currently at the University of Chile) and J.R Stok (PHD Geological Sciences, Mars Geologist, SETI Institute) discuss the silimarities between earth and Mars' geysers in El Tatio Geyser field in the Chilean Andes in the Atacama desert, the driest non-polar desert in the world, whose soil has been compared to that of Mars, owing to its otherworldly appearance, but also because bacteries and rocks at El Tatio are believed to be similar to the ones in Mars' old geysers, prompting scientist to study them in order to better understand Mars' geology and plan future missions to the red planet. El Tatio geyser field is located at 4,320 meters (14,400 feet) in the Andes Mountains of northern Chile. Its name comes from the Quechua word for oven. It is among the highest-elevation geyser fields in the world. El Tatio has over 80 active geysers, making it the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world.
    Das Geheimnis
    EL TATIO GEYSER FIELD, ATACAMA DESERT, CHILE, MAY 5 2017: Unknown host Josh Gates and scientist Carolina Munoz-Saez (PHD Earth & Planetary Science, currently at the University of Chile) and J.R Stok (PHD Geological Sciences, Mars Geologist, SETI Institute) discuss the silimarities between earth and Mars' geysers in El Tatio Geyser field in the Chilean Andes in the Atacama desert, the driest non-polar desert in the world, whose soil has been compared to that of Mars, owing to its otherworldly appearance, but also because bacteries and rocks at El Tatio are believed to be similar to the ones in Mars' old geysers, prompting scientist to study them in order to better understand Mars' geology and plan future missions to the red planet. El Tatio geyser field is located at 4,320 meters (14,400 feet) in the Andes Mountains of northern Chile. Its name comes from the Quechua word for oven. It is among the highest-elevation geyser fields in the world. El Tatio has over 80 active geysers, making it the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world.
    Bild: © Gilles Mingasson / 36047_TETH_101H_0095 / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates plummets into the darkness of an ancient Egyptian tomb.
    Das Geheimnis der ägyptischen Grabkammer
    Josh Gates plummets into the darkness of an ancient Egyptian tomb.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury / Discovery Communications, LLC