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Expedition ins Unbekannte

(Expedition Unknown) 
USA, 2015–

Expedition ins Unbekannte
  • Platz 1983244 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 267654.50von 12 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Expedition ins Unbekannte"

  • Josh Gates carrying the Marine Sonic Arc Explorer, ready to search for Sir Francis Drake's remains off the coast of Portobelo, Panama.
    Das Geheimnis einer Piratenlegende
    Josh Gates carrying the Marine Sonic Arc Explorer, ready to search for Sir Francis Drake's remains off the coast of Portobelo, Panama.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications / Ben Boyle
  • L-R: Military Historian Gary Sterne and Josh find a WWII machine gun nest at Maisy Battery, France.
    Der Weltkriegsbunker in der Normandie
    L-R: Military Historian Gary Sterne and Josh find a WWII machine gun nest at Maisy Battery, France.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates (l.)
    Die Herrscherinnen von Ägypten (2)
    Josh Gates (l.)
    Bild: © Sima Diab / Discovery Channel / Focus - Expedition_Unknown_S04_E / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates (l.) focuses on the most powerful women of the ancient world.
    Die Herrscherinnen von Ägypten (2)
    Josh Gates (l.) focuses on the most powerful women of the ancient world.
    Bild: © DMAX
  • The Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown
    Die Herrscherinnen von Ägypten (2)
    The Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Die Herrscherinnen von Ägypten (2)
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved./Gilles Mingasson/Gilles Mingasson
  • Great Sphinx of Giza.
    Die Herrscherinnen von Ägypten (1)
    Great Sphinx of Giza.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Egypt, Deir-el-bahari, Valley of the Queens
    Die Herrscherinnen von Ägypten (1)
    Egypt, Deir-el-bahari, Valley of the Queens
    Bild: © Pixabay License Free for commercial use No attribution required
  • Sphinx and Josh Gates.
    Die Herrscherinnen von Ägypten (1)
    Sphinx and Josh Gates.
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved./Sima Diab/Sima Diab
  • Sphinx and Josh Gates.
    Die Herrscherinnen von Ägypten (1)
    Sphinx and Josh Gates.
    Bild: © Sima Diab / Discovery Channel / Focus - TEXU410_291426_1109417.J / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh discovers a chunk of scaly skin in a cave in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Jagd nach dem Chupacabra
    Josh discovers a chunk of scaly skin in a cave in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Josh and treasure hunter Gary Drayton look for Spanish treasure in a Florida swamp.
    Goldrausch im Atlantik
    Josh and treasure hunter Gary Drayton look for Spanish treasure in a Florida swamp.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh and treasure hunter Gary Drayton look for Spanish treasure in a Florida swamp.
    Goldrausch im Atlantik
    Josh and treasure hunter Gary Drayton look for Spanish treasure in a Florida swamp.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Photobank 36752_ep604_018 / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Expedition Unknown crew member Aaron Schoonhoven hangs off a structure in this behind the scenes photo from El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Jagd nach den Schlangenkönigen
    Expedition Unknown crew member Aaron Schoonhoven hangs off a structure in this behind the scenes photo from El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Aidan Bradbury /Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh and Coy Lothrop read the plaques of a removed monument in the Municipal Warehouse of Charleston, South Carolina.
    The Secret: Die Schatzsuche geht weiter
    Josh and Coy Lothrop read the plaques of a removed monument in the Municipal Warehouse of Charleston, South Carolina.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh (r.) read the plaques of a removed monument in the Municipal Warehouse of Charleston, South Carolina.
    Goldrausch im Atlantik
    Josh (r.) read the plaques of a removed monument in the Municipal Warehouse of Charleston, South Carolina.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates examines artifacts from the Dyatlov Pass Incident with historian Yuri Kuntsevich
    Expedition in den Tod (Teil 1)
    Josh Gates examines artifacts from the Dyatlov Pass Incident with historian Yuri Kuntsevich
    Bild: © Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC / Discovery Channel
  • A member of the Expedition Unknown crew roaming the site of a possible Chupacabra attack in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Das Geheimnis unserer Existenz (Teil 2)
    A member of the Expedition Unknown crew roaming the site of a possible Chupacabra attack in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • A member of the Expedition Unknown crew roaming the site of a possible Chupacabra attack in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Das Geheimnis unserer Existenz (Teil 2)
    A member of the Expedition Unknown crew roaming the site of a possible Chupacabra attack in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • A member of the Expedition Unknown crew roaming the site of a possible Chupacabra attack in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Das Geheimnis unserer Existenz (Teil 2)
    A member of the Expedition Unknown crew roaming the site of a possible Chupacabra attack in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates examines artifacts from the Dyatlov Pass Incident with historian Yuri Kuntsevich
    Expedition in den Tod (Teil 1)
    Josh Gates examines artifacts from the Dyatlov Pass Incident with historian Yuri Kuntsevich
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • L-R: Josh Gates and Dr. Richard Hansen.
    Jagd nach den Schlangenkönigen
    L-R: Josh Gates and Dr. Richard Hansen.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Josh Gates and Bill Homann with the crystal skull.
    Der Piratenschatz von Florida
    Josh Gates and Bill Homann with the crystal skull.
    Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Discovery Communications)
  • Josh Gates.
    Die Jesus-Mysterien
    Josh Gates.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Josh Gates
    Die Jesus-Mysterien
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Gilles Mingasson / ©2017, The Travel Channel, LLC All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh and the Expedition Unknown crew packing up at the site of a possible Chupacabra attack in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Jagd nach dem Chupacabra
    Josh and the Expedition Unknown crew packing up at the site of a possible Chupacabra attack in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • A close of up of an ancient Mayan stela showing a portrait of a king found in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Jagd nach den Schlangenkönigen
    A close of up of an ancient Mayan stela showing a portrait of a king found in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates.
    Das Geheimnis unserer Existenz (Teil 1)
    Josh Gates.
    Bild: © Nicole Gormley / Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh and Coy Lothrop dig for treasure at White Point Gardens in Charleston, South Carolina.
    The Secret: Die Schatzsuche geht weiter
    Josh and Coy Lothrop dig for treasure at White Point Gardens in Charleston, South Carolina.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates and a member of the Expedition Unknown crew in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Das Geheimnis unserer Existenz (Teil 2)
    Josh Gates and a member of the Expedition Unknown crew in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh, Benjamin Radford, Pedro “Cuso” Vidal, and Edgardo “Nino” Rodriguez hike to a cave where there was a possible Chupacabra siting in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Jagd nach dem Chupacabra
    Josh, Benjamin Radford, Pedro “Cuso” Vidal, and Edgardo “Nino” Rodriguez hike to a cave where there was a possible Chupacabra siting in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates
    Jagd nach den Schlangenkönigen
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Ben Boyle / Discovery Channel / Photobank 36409_ep502_019.JPG / Discovery Communications
  • Der Piratenschatz von Florida
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates drives a golf cart around Gasparilla Island in Florida, named after the legendary pirate, Jose Gaspar.
    Der Piratenschatz von Florida
    Josh Gates drives a golf cart around Gasparilla Island in Florida, named after the legendary pirate, Jose Gaspar.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel/Aidan Bradbury /Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates in a market in Jerusalem, Israel.
    Die Jesus-Mysterien
    Josh Gates in a market in Jerusalem, Israel.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications
  • Josh shakes hands with Maasai Chief Batnoti Tipileit outside the Maasai village in Tanzania, Africa.
    Das Geheimnis unserer Existenz (Teil 1)
    Josh shakes hands with Maasai Chief Batnoti Tipileit outside the Maasai village in Tanzania, Africa.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications, LLC