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Expedition ins Unbekannte

(Expedition Unknown) 
USA, 2015–

Expedition ins Unbekannte
  • Platz 1983244 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 267654.50von 12 Stimmeneigene: –

Bildergalerie zu "Expedition ins Unbekannte"

  • The Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown
    Das Geheimnis des Kristallschädels
    The Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates in Belize
    Das Geheimnis des Kristallschädels
    Josh Gates in Belize
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Das Atlantis der Anden
    Bild: © Telefónica de España/ Discovery max
  • Josh Gates
    Der verschollene Piratenschatz
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Sima Diab / Discovery Channel / Focus - TEXU415_302468_1166164.J / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates marvels at the nail they discovered which very well could be part of Lafitte's Ship, as seen on Travel Channel's Expedition Unknown.
    Der verschollene Piratenschatz
    Josh Gates marvels at the nail they discovered which very well could be part of Lafitte's Ship, as seen on Travel Channel's Expedition Unknown.
    Bild: © 2018, The Travel Channel, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
  • The Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown
    Der verschollene Piratenschatz
    The Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Der verschollene Piratenschatz
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved
  • Der verschollene Piratenschatz
    Bild: © Telefónica de España/ Discovery max
  • Der verschollene Piratenschatz
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved
  • Der verschollene Piratenschatz
    Bild: © Discovery Channel / Discovery Communications
  • Die gestohlenen Schuhe von Oz
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Die gestohlenen Schuhe von Oz
    Bild: © Tele 5
  • Josh Gates.
    Die gestohlenen Schuhe von Oz
    Josh Gates.
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Die gestohlenen Schuhe von Oz
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Josh Gates sets out in this episode in search of precious props from the box office success, because the ruby red loafers that actress Judy Garland wore during filming were stolen from a museum in Minnesota in 2005.
    Die gestohlenen Schuhe von Oz
    Josh Gates sets out in this episode in search of precious props from the box office success, because the ruby red loafers that actress Judy Garland wore during filming were stolen from a museum in Minnesota in 2005.
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Robert Leonard descends the steps of an ancient Mayan structure with a GPR device in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Die Legende der Schlangenkönige (2)
    Robert Leonard descends the steps of an ancient Mayan structure with a GPR device in El Mirador, Guatemala.
    Bild: © Aidan Bradbury-Aranda / Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates (l.)
    Die Legende der Schlangenkönige (2)
    Josh Gates (l.)
    Bild: © Tanja Bachetzky / DMAX
  • Josh Gates
    Die Legende der Schlangenkönige (2)
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Discovery
  • Josh Gates strolls along the bay at sunset.
    Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Josh Gates strolls along the bay at sunset.
    Bild: © 2018, The Travel Channel, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
  • Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    The Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown
    Bild: © Telefónica de España/ Discovery channel
  • Josh Gates finds a Great White shark tooth.
    Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Josh Gates finds a Great White shark tooth.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates preps for a dive outside of Baja, Mexico
    Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Josh Gates preps for a dive outside of Baja, Mexico
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates (l.)
    Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Josh Gates (l.)
    Bild: © DMAX
  • Josh Gates with shark expert Alison Towner
    Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Josh Gates with shark expert Alison Towner
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates contemplates the mysteries of the Megalodon
    Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Josh Gates contemplates the mysteries of the Megalodon
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Josh Gates finds a Great White shark tooth.
    Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Josh Gates finds a Great White shark tooth.
    Bild: © Discovery Communications, LLC
  • Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved/Steve Schofield/Steve Schofield
  • Josh Gates, host of Expedition Unknown.
    Das geheimnisvolle Schiffswrack
    Josh Gates, host of Expedition Unknown.
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • In this episode, Josh Gates follows in the footsteps of an English mystic Edward Arthur Wilson and sect founder who settled with his followers on Vancouver Island off the coast of British Columbia in the 1920s.
    Die unheimliche Sekte
    In this episode, Josh Gates follows in the footsteps of an English mystic Edward Arthur Wilson and sect founder who settled with his followers on Vancouver Island off the coast of British Columbia in the 1920s.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Josh Gates.
    Die Nazi-Verstecke von Argentinien
    Josh Gates.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Josh Gates
    Die Nazi-Verstecke von Argentinien
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Sima Diab / Discovery Channel / Focus - TEXU408_291675_1110249.J / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates.
    Die unheimliche Sekte
    Josh Gates.
    Bild: © Sima Diab / Discovery Channel / Focus / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates
    Die Nazi-Verstecke von Argentinien
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © Sima Diab / Discovery Channel / Focus - TEXU408_291675_1110249.J / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • Josh Gates.
    Die unheimliche Sekte
    Josh Gates.
    Bild: © Sima Diab / Discovery Channel / Focus / © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.
  • After an expedition in the "Cuevas de los Tayos" in the 1960s, the researcher reported, among other things, of gold metal plates with enigmatic characters engraved on them. The case gained international attention through a bestseller, because the artifacts could have come from a kind of library in which valuable knowledge was stored.
    Schatzsuche in Ecuador
    After an expedition in the "Cuevas de los Tayos" in the 1960s, the researcher reported, among other things, of gold metal plates with enigmatic characters engraved on them. The case gained international attention through a bestseller, because the artifacts could have come from a kind of library in which valuable knowledge was stored.
    Bild: © Discovery Channel
  • Josh Gates
    Schatzsuche in Ecuador
    Josh Gates
    Bild: © 2017, The Travel Channel, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.